John MY Lee

John Ming Yee Lee is my younger brother by six years. We are both retired Architects and graduates from Yale School of Architecture. He is well known internationally for his design of Citizens’ Center and China Merchants Bank Tower in Shenzen, China. While working with Edward L. Barnes Architects, he designed the IBM Office Tower in NYC and introduced the famous Bamboo Pavilion. The elegant Thurgood Marshall Federal Building in Washington DC bears the Architects names Barnes and Lee, after he became a full partner. John has two sons and two grand daughters. He now resides at Rossmore, a fancy retirement community north of San Francisco.


‘I want to call your name, but the word dies in my throat. Oh, my friend, my friend.’Those were the final two tear jerking lines in ‘The Friend’ a novel by Sigrid Nunez. The story is about a lady writer who inherited a Great Dane that belonged to her ex-lover who had committed suicide. Early on, it served as a reminder of memories with him. Despite the difficult condition of having another large living body in a tiny NYC studio apartment, the two developed a friendship that she treasured more than the one with her ex-lover. It was not simply  because of the loyalty as expected of a dog. It was its lack of ego and demands and its quick sensitivity to her moods and feelings. A Great Dane’s life span is relatively short as I understand with most large dogs. The dog passed away when they were briefly staying near a beach in the summer to escape the hassles of the Big Apple. 

I finished that novel a short time before Billy asked me to contribute an essay for his Friendship website. I first decided to google the subject. That was a mistake. I was totally intimidated. There are dozens of books dedicated to friends and friendship. I ended up reading only a selection of quotes. 

‘The only way to have a friend is to be one’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson’Friendships between women, as any woman will tell you, are built of a thousand small kindnesses…’ – Michelle Obama. (That applies to men as well.) 

‘A single rose can be my garden,.. a single friend, my world.’ – Leo Buscaglia’I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you.’ – Unknown
An overwhelming majority of the quotes seem to imply that friendship is limited to between humans. But I believe that most of our experiences are otherwise.

I now live in a senior community where many would not survive without their bond with their pet friends. And there are so many true touching stories we hear.The retired laborer who lives by himself next to the rocky coast. He found a distressed penguin one day and nursed it back to health. It was released back to the ocean after a few months. Next year around the same time, he was surprised to find the penguin wobbling up to his shack and it was so happy to see the old man. The penguin stayed for a period and went back out to sea. That visit now happens every year. 

On BBC News last week, it showcased a lady living in a high rise befriending a bird. During the lockdown, the lady noticed a bird on and off resting on the window sill. She tried to feed it by hand but it would fly away. So the lady decided to leave the crumbs on the sill. The bird would come and feed on them. After a few days, the lady tried again to feed it with the crumbs in her hand. This time it took. Now that bird would come every day and the lady would pat it on the head and the bird would affectionately peck at her finger in response.

We of course all know about Jane Goodall and her chimpanzee family. 

Of course I am not belittling human friendship. I would not be here today without their help and mentoring. As Ming Wang pointed out in her essay, there are many levels of friendship. But human friendship can also be fickle. My friend Art told me about an incident when he was young and full of himself. He had a crush on a lovely lady and they got together on and off. One day, they went for a drive in his old convertible. With her long hair flowing in the wind, Art was totally entranced. Words poured out of his mouth how he had a crush on her and how absolutely gorgeous she was. She stayed quiet throughout with a slight smile. When they got back, she turned and told him that she would not ever want to see him again!

At any rate I am writing this because I believe that far too often we have forgotten that we too are part of the animal world. There can be rewarding bonding not limited between humans.


“KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS” by Yuelin Yang – October 2020

Yuelin Yang

Mr Yang has been with IMC since 1995 and has held various senior appointments. Prior to joining IMC, Mr Yang was a member of Office of the Chairman Stan Shih and Associate General Counsel at Acer Computers in San Jose, California and Taipei, Taiwan. He started his career practising law in Silicon Valley at the Cooley Godward and Brobeck Phleger law firms.

Mr Yang is on the board of Directors for the Asian investment company of Verlinvest, NUS (National University of Singapore) Business School’s Centre for Governance, Institutions & Organisations.  He also is on the Council of Asian Corporate Governance Association (Hong Kong), and

Mr Yang received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University and a JD from Stanford Law School.


Born in New York City, I grew up in Davis, California.  I then lived in the Bay Area for several years attending university and law school and then practicing law.  In 1995, I moved to Hong Kong and then to Singapore after I met and married my wife there.   I work in a family business which was founded by my grandfather and does shipping & logistics.

I was honoured by Billy to ask to write this for his blog.  I first met Billy in 1984 on the tennis courts (where else would he be! ) when I was in law school.  His hearty laugh and fun loving nature enticed me to join FF Fraternity where Billy is active and one of the most respected senior brothers.

Needless to say, the year 2020 has been full of surprises.  COVID.  Black Lives Matters.  California forest fires.  The Presidential election. 

From Singapore, I try to follow what is going on in the USA both for work and personal interest. 

My working hypothesis is that the COVID virus has exposed and in some cases accelerated systemic issues and trends developed over the last 30 – 40 years of:

·   a rise in inequality in terms of race, income and opportunity

·   over indebtedness

·   short-termism

·   climate change

·   digital economy

·   an increasingly polarized population, and

·   the shift from West to East which is impacting geopolitics

With staying at home more these days, there is a lot more time to think about these topics. Whether turning on the TV,  listening to webinars and reading the newspapers, it can be information overload and lead to feelings of negative emotions and uncertainty as to what is real or fake news.

For the situation in the USA, I have been away from the USA since 1995.   Although I do go back a few times a year until this year, I still feel not as in touch.  The America today seems very different than the one back in 1995.  What has helped me a lot in the last 6 months has been frequent calls with friends and relatives in the USA.

When Black lives matters protests in Minneapolis first happened, a cousin in the Bay Area told me that there were similar protests in small towns across America.  That told me it was really widespread.  Then there was the reporting on the protests in Portland.  I spoke with a college friend who is from there and whose parents and adult children live there.  He said the protests were taking place in an area of a few blocks by few blocks and not so widespread.  Very different than what I saw or read in some of the media.

With time at home to read more, I started paying much more attention to climate change.  To understand it better, I had calls with a friend from FF Fraternity who has been active in climate change for over a decade.  I told him I wish I had the foresight like he did.  Not only does climate change affect our business but one of the California fires this summer got to Vacaville which is only 20 miles from Davis where my mother, brother and his wife are.

I have regular weekly calls with a group of friends from a non-profit organization where we have been active for 20+ years.   The group covers the political spectrum.  We have good discussions especially on the US Presidential election.  Amongst friends, we are able to discuss and respect each other’s opinions even though we sometimes have to agree to disagree.   Though we have known each other for 20+ years meeting a few times a year, I feel we have gotten to know each other more during these calls.  A silver lining to sheltering at home.

I speak weekly with my roommate from law school.  He is very well-read and stays on top of current events.  He also is a full-time arbitrator so makes his living by listening to both sides and then making the call.  Putting aside his political leanings, he is able to get to the heart of the matters and explain both sides to me in a much more objective say than FOX and CNN.

I speak regularly with some college friends.  This really helps to uplift my emotions as we remember the good old days including on my last trip to the USA last October.  And to look forward to more in the future when we can travel again.  Our conversations range from politics to college and professional sports. 

I also speak frequently with a friend who is a former law firm colleague.  We were both young associates together back in the day.    We bonded over that experience as well as playing basketball and sports in general.   I have always valued his opinion as he calls it like it is.   He and his wife are both very civic minded so we also talk about what is happening in US society.

The FF Fraternity that Billy recruited me into has regular zoom get togethers.  Some of it is social where its great to see familiar faces on Hollywood Squares on the zoom screen.  And others cover serious topics where there are particular brothers who are subject matter experts.  One of them was why there are so few Asian-American CEO’s at US companies.  With the current US-China situation, it is a very sensitive time for Asian-Americans.  I do not feel it living in Singapore but learn a lot about this from my FF brothers.

The virus has prevented seeing friends in person.  But now that many of us are staying at home more, including not going on business trips, I have found more opportunities to talk more and more deeply with friends.  They have been a real intellectual and emotional support.   Still, I cannot wait to be able to travel to the USA and see them in person again.


Billy’s Comments: Yuelin is one of my favorite younger friends, for indeed he nurtures our Friendship by visiting me and Lucille every time he comes back to the Silicon Valley for business. Yuelin, Lucille and I deeply appreciate that ! Thank you for Keeping In Touch!


Voo Ming Hsien Responded to Billy w/ Thoughts on Friendship – Oct. 5, 2020

Voo Ming Hsien 武明賢 married Wang Yung thus became Ming Wang

Rumor had it that Voo Family in Ting Hai,  定海  (the small island right off  NingPo 寧波) is descendant of  Wu/Voo Zetian 武則天.  Empress Voo was known for her nepotism.  When she died, members of her family were thrown out; one branch got exiled as far South as Ting Hai 定海, where land ends at the ocean.  
Descendants of families in NingPo 寧波, Zhoushan City 舟山市, and Ting Hai,  定海 ; all seem to have done OK.

MW 2012 Wang family Holidaycards  reduced 2020.jpg
Hello Billy,

I’ve been thinking a lot about Friendship; much thought but not knowing how to put into words.
After reading the recitations on your website, I am much enlightened by others who have put into words so eloquently and effectively of my many wanderings.

Amy Chua (author of Tiger Mother) wrote on “Political Tribes”.  She reminds me that those of us who left our own countries, but carry with us much of our tribalism; myself indeed.  I always remember the Chinese folktale of how men become life long “bosom buddies”,“知友” (zhī yǒu),  enjoying glass of wine in a pavilion, writing poetry, or jumping to the rescue of his friend in need.  Such friendship is to be worshipped and treasured.  Did we, in China, have resentment towards “gay”?   I wonder?  Also, was such “bosom buddies” experiences enjoyed by men ONLY?  

At my advancing age, I look back and find friends of many levels – acquaintances, business associates, casual friends and bosom buddies.   A bosom buddy “知友” (zhī yǒu), is someone of kindred spirit. Someone you can exchange ideas, agree-to-disagree dialogs in gaining new perspectives, and such.  

Upon reviewing several definitions of friendship,  “Respect” pops up to me as a very significant element. For me, my bosom buddies do not relate to age, wealth, nor profession.  In my younger days, my friends were older and related to me more like my mentors, guiding me, helping me to understand without being preachy. 

I used to believe “知友” (zhī yǒu) is more of an Asian heritage.  Fortunate for me, aside from a Chinese couple who took on the role of mentors when I first came to NY,  I had a Jewish business partner/friend for some 30 years.  At some business negotiation, the opposite side asked him why he worked so hard obviously defending and guiding me. My partner answered: she is my sister.  His wife was also my bosom friend, helped and guided me every step along the way with my bringing up an Autistic child.  He died of a heart attack in his 50’s, and she died 8 years ago.  

My next business partner/friend for some 20 years was an Irish lawyer.  Again, we were able to have exchanges of intellectual as well as trivial discourses.  He passed away a few years ago.

From that era, I have remaining “知友” (zhī yǒu) – John Lee; Billy’s brother, who was at Yale Architecture School the same time with my husband Yung and myself.  Although we are now thousands of miles apart, we are in touch via internet.  He is also friend of Yung, but he and I exchange emails more often, on subjects from international affairs to cats and dogs.  We are friends of some 60+ years and continuing.

Yung teases me of being a “busy body”, others labeled me a “people person”.

Now I have friends of younger age.  I thrive at how they share willingly with me their dreams and goals.   I respect their intellect, creativity, and fantasies.   They accept my “2 cents” worth knowledge and advices.  They keep me feeling alive. 

At my age, I horde my friends as my treasures.

By the way, Billy, am I the 1st woman participant for your web page?    Best,   Ming 武明賢

p.s.  A brief auto-bio – Came to US before I graduated from McTyeire high school in Shanghai. Graduated with BA from U of Wisc.  Came to NYC – worked as assistant to Vogue Feature Editor Allene Talmey;  attended Cooper Union arch. evening school; attended & graduated from Yale Arch 1962.  After Yale, form Hsien Inc. as president, in real estate; and maintained independent arch practice.  Now, retired with son & daughter, grand son and grand daughter; and dogs and cat, and shamelessly bragging about having all my kids under the same roof – a typical, Chinese family compound.

p.p.s.  Your brother John lived here with us for a few years too


“Language, Assumption, and Empowerment” by Rushton Hurley – October, 2020

Rushton Hurley

“I can’t believe you said that!”

Have you ever had that as an angry response to something you said? If so, did it immediately occur to you that the other person had heard what you said, but not at all what you meant?

Friends (and patient people of all types) tend to respond to tough moments with questions rather than statements.

“Are you saying…?”

That is a move that shows a willingness to be humble (we don’t always understand what people are saying), and a caring for the other (we want the other person to know we won’t jump to problematic assumptions).

It’s a simple thing, but can do much to strengthen relationships.

Another way to look at “I can’t believe you said that!”, though, is to consider a scenario in which someone has just been blown away that you were able to say something in another language that the listener wouldn’t have guessed you could.

Everyone understands that a prerequisite for human friendship is some ability to communicate, and typically by language. 

If we look at learning another language (Mandarin for English speakers, or vice-versa) as a good example, one might consider what it means to make the leap.

Two years ago I began studying Mandarin using YouTube videos, podcasts, and the free Duolingo app. I was intrigued by the challenge of learning another language for free, and as I already am pretty good at Japanese, I figured the characters wouldn’t be an impossible barrier to overcome.

Fast forward to now, and I’ve had a blast picking up things I can try out with my Mandarin-speaking friends. They encourage me, and their smiles when I get the tones right is something I treasure.

The effort is something that strengthens my relationships, and gives me a feeling of empowerment. What will I try saying when I see my friends next?

Whatever it is that helps you develop more patience and empowers you, give it your time. It might serve as a new avenue for strengthening your friendships.


Rushton Hurley is a former high school teacher, former principal of an online high school, program director at the Krause Center for Innovation, and founder and executive director of the educational nonprofit NextVista.org. Rushton has spoken to and trained over 100,000 teachers and school leaders around the world over the last decade, on topics such as professional development, school improvement, change strategies, staff morale, promotion in the community, and getting the best out of students and teachers. 



George DePai Kan

德培弟: 我们的友情是建筑在日复一日堆积起来的互相了解上,自从得到了你走的消息我的一切都不能正常了,在这种茫然的情感下叫我说什么呢?好,还是按照你说的写些有用的。 (一)不要認為一定要十全十美的人才能做朋友。當然每個人都有他的好處和壞處。你學他的好處感化他的壞處,不就行了嗎?(二)人不應該做不正當的事,即便他是我最好你朋友,如果他做了錯事,我也不放鬆他。(三)不應該總說人家的缺點,而應當將你所知道你告訴他。(四)不要太自信、太驕傲,比如下棋吧,如果對手是個新認識你的人,不妨輸給他兩局阿甘以上都是你跟我說過的話,我覺得這很寶貴,人的一生中又能聽見幾回這些忠實坦白的勸告呢?還有很多有價值的言語,我一時也想不起來。就這幾句話讓我們共同勉勵吧

Brother Depai: Our friendship is built on the mutual understanding that has been piling up day after day. Since I got the news that you are leaving, everything about me feels not normal. What can I say under this dazed emotion?  Okay, you ask that I write something useful ! (1) Don’t think that we must be perfect people to be friends. Of course, everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. We can learn from the others’ strength and help mend the other’s weaknesses. Should we not do that ?  (2) People should not do improper things. Even if our best friend does something wrong, we can not just relax him. (3) We should not always talk about other people’s shortcomings, but should tell them what we know. (4) Don’t be too confident or too proud. For example, in playing chess. If your opponent is someone new to you, be willing to lose a few games to him. 
The above, Depai, are all the things you have told me. I think they are truly precious. How many times can people hear such honest and frank advice in their lives? There are many more valuable words I do not remember. “Write something useful” you say. Okay, let us encourage each other at least with these few words.







Brother Depai: The news that you are going to Hong Kong makes me sad.  Classmates for so many years, we have unspeakable feelings. Do you remember us talking and laughing together? Do you remember the joy of playing ball and reading together? Did you find that we were the happiest people? Now you are going. You are leaving us lost without fire. Know the pain of human beings without fire. I don’t know how to describe it. Your going will make me less happy than before. I have now lost a comrade with whom I pursued knowledge together. I now only hope that I can go to Hong Kong and learn with you again. Together enjoy the infinite joyous life. Ah! A-Kan! Wait for me, and I will go to Hong Kong to find you.

Now, here are a few words that we can encourage each other: You are an innocent and lively youth, full of justice in your mind, and you are extremely smart. You are friendly and sociable. People seem to want to be close to you. This is your benefit and your success factor. Hope you keep it. You also have shortcomings. You often say that people should not be too arrogant or too confident. This is idiotic. Often you seemed to be lacking self-confidence. Of course it is not good to be overly confident, but it is also not good to appear lacking in confidence. A great man’s success is due to his ability to balance self- confidence with humility. Thus he will stand out. With your smartness, you can overcome all difficulties. Don’t lose your self confidence. 




DePai, My Friend,  Your news came too suddenly. I didn’t expect our normalcy be disrupted like this.  For several years, we have learnt and played together, and then we got to know each other. Now fate pulls us apart so abruptly. Do you remember the joy of laughing together, playing ball, and studying together? This will be our most beautiful memory. I hope you don’t forget it.

Your leaving causes a big blow to my heart. I realize that I will lose a friend with whom I have studied together thtough out my middle school years,  . I feel infinite emptiness in my mind, now. What can I write for you in this booklet?

Your parting makes me envious, because you will be first to leave this small mountain country to come into contact with a broader life. I envy you that you can see the unprovoked ocean. But be careful: the more civilized the place, the more evil it maybe. I hope you will be careful every step and be on guard. When you fall into the abyss, I will regret that you are the smartest of the people I have met. I hope you can use your wisdom to enrich your body and mind. Don’t be smart and mistaken. You have a kind heart and a gentle attitude. You can get along well with anyone, and this is your admirable trait. You also have shortcomings: you lack self-confidence. Of course, it is not good for people to be too confident. But it is even worse if they are not self-confident.  There is a well-known saying that “ people who lose confidence in themselves will not be able to accomplish anything in the future.” That’s dangerous, I hope you can correct that. Also, you don’t pay enough attention to small things. For example, someone asked you to do something, and you often forgot to do it. Although this is a trivial matter, it will affect your credibility. I hope you will pay attention.


GEORGE KAN’s Brief Bio :

I was born in China.  We as a family lived in Hong Kong when the Second World War started. We went into China in 1942, staying in Guilin and Kunming until 1949.  We came back to Hong Kong in 1949, and went to the United States in 1951.  I went to Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute for my undergraduate and M.I.T. for my graduated school.  I became a Christian while I was in M.I.T.

My objective in life is to serve Jesus Christ in whatever ways God leads me. Lately it is the distribution of good music with a message through the Internet. God has also provided me with the means to fund His work through a charitable trust.

Seventeen years ago, when I was 70 years old, I thought that my life was going to end.  I came to this conclusion because in Psalm 90, a psalm written by Moses.  He said that a man’s life is about seventy, but if he is strong, eighty.  I thought that since I was not strong, that was my life. Thank God He has given me seventeen more years to live.

I was married to Sylvia Fong in 1961. We have four children, Elizabeth, Sarah, Paul, and Samuel. Thank God they are all Christians.



George and I have been friends for nearly 60 years. I remember him trying to introduce me to Christ in the early 1960s by taking me to listen to the famous Billy Graham at the NYC’s Madison Square Garden. Despite of George’s continuing efforts, I have remained an Agnostic with a touch of Buddhist attitude. Only recently, we discovered that we have a very different take on Donald Trump, but we, indeed, still have deep respect and affection for each other. I asked Geoege for permission to post these precious PARTING WORDS from his old high school mates on this special Friendship website. He said “YES” without hesitation. BTW, this tradition of asking friends to write a few meaningful Parting Words is so good for validating, enhancing, and forever sustaining GOOD FEEELINGS among Friends. We should encourage that as a global tradition, indeed ! Thanks, George !



Billy and a picture of Kwan Ying

I joined the USCPFA-S.Bay Chapter in 2006, and was elected Membership Director in 2012.  That started my serious inquiry on what Friendship really means, and how it can be initiated, nurtured, sustained, and maybe recovered after some gross misunderstanding.  I started to do some research by reading books and by Googling.

I also wrote a few articles which were published in Women of China magazine, as well as Voice of Friendship, a publication by China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development. I was particularly interested in promoting Home Stays in Building Cross-cultural Bonding.

In  2015, I was invited to conduct a workshop on “Good Feelings” at the ICAF World Children’s Festival on the Great Mall In Washington DC,  on a July 4 weekend.  There sprouted the idea on guiding a group of International  students to Define Friendship, Write an Declaration of Interdependence, and Propose an Ideal  Cross-cultural Institute on Friendshipolgy.

An amazing opportunity to start a project that may eventually lead to the Ultimate Ideal  was a proposal to connect Stanford University’s and Peking University’s psychology departments to do a 3-year joint research project at both ends of the Pacific. The study was named “ The Role of Emotional Values and Expression in the Development of Cross-Cultural Friendships in the US and China “ Our hope was this would initiate a Momentum towards Global Engagement  subsequently. I like to take this opportunity here to thank publicly, Prof. Jean Oi ( Director of Stanford Center at Peking University ), Dr. Jennifer Choo ( Assoc. Director at Stanford University’s Walter Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center),  and Prof. Jeanne Tsai ( Director of  Emotion Lab. at Stanford’s Department of Psychology ) for their tremendous efforts.

Although that proposal fizzled due to fund-raising difficulty, my dear 1990 Institute colleague. Dr. Marsha  Vande Berg, advised me to keep telling this story to my friends – To keep the Idea alive !   Surprise !  Out of the Blue, a young friend, Yi-lu from Beijing, wrote to me and said she had set up a website https://MingSingLee.com  ( recently changed to https://Friendshipology.net ), and had recruited three other young friends ( Yihua, Wenmo, and Tingting ) to help me promote FRiendship and to manage this bilingual website.  She said that she was moved by one of my articles stressing “ Not to judge people too harshly and absolutely. Try to cultivate others’ Good Qualities and Goodness, as well as our own. “. I started first to post a few of my own articles onto the website but very wisely decided later to involve many of my close friends.

Yesterday marked the first anniversary of this Friendshipology  website, and the week before I started to review all the 77 articles I had so far collected – to examine ‘What Lessons Learned and What’s still Needed .  Thanks to all of my friends who have so generously given their time to support this effort,  I myself learned quite a lot from these friends on various aspects of Friendship and Friendshipology.  Most importantly I feel that our friendships have deepened from this sharing, and I am truly happy and grateful. I am also glad that I was able to connect a few friends who apparently share same high aspirations. I hope that they will be able to collaborate together when opportunities allow.

From the review I noticed that several friends focused on Gratefulness in Receiving and Gratification in Giving , few on how best to treat people, one was angry and unforgiving, and another Critical of Society and Cynical.  Most covered the rosy aspects. I will indeed welcome more stories on awkward situations, recovered or not recovered, or just thoughts on how it might be recovered. I welcome more descriptions on specific, big or small, kind or thoughtless, deeds which I think younger people can readily learn something immediately useful.  I welcome more stories on how Community Spirit effects Individuals and how Individuals can effect the larger Community.  Stories on Connecting and Helping others to Connect will be most helpful. Can we learn more from each other about, Attitudes, Listening, Timing, To say the right words or When to be silent, etc. etc. ?  I am hoping to collect more Case Study type examples that can be ”Inspirational” and/or “Educational” or “Provocative with Good Effects”, and Ideas on how to set up the proper environment or activities etc. to induce Friendship, Bonding , and Good Feelings.

Please participate in this effort and share your knowledge, experience, and ideas on this Friendshipology website.  I can be reached at WilliamMSLee@gmail.com. With your article, please provide a short vita and at least one of your favorite photos.

Thank you ! 

Gratefully yours,

William ( Billy ) Ming Sing Lee 李名信 ( 88 yr-old retired Architect ) 271 West Floresta Way, Portola Valley, Ca. 94028, U.S.A.


A Short Essay on Friendship & Poker by Sunny Tong – September 2020

Sunny Tong

When Billy asked me to write about “friendship and poker”, something Warren Buffett has said immediately popped into mind.  Buffett has offered this advice on friendship for years, “You will move in the direction of the people that you associate with.  The friends you have will form you as you go through life. Make some good friends, keep them for the rest of your life, but have them be people that you admire as well as like.”

“So it is important to associate with people that are better than yourself.”

Much on friendship has already been shared on Billy and the World.  It is rather imposing when asked to contribute to a platform with a stated mission “Search for Essence in Knowledge and Goodness”.

The Essence:

Friendship with peers better than yourself sounds great if it does not involve poker.  Poker is all about winning your hand, friendship with better poker players is great in concept but terrible in execution. 

Another widely quoted Buffett, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.”  For investment, this is great insight for those seeking value-oriented long-term investment.   For poker, “Multiple buy-ins are what you pay, low self-esteem is what you get” when you are up against better players, especially if with friends. 

Bottom line, friendship and poker do not mix well.

Knowledge & Goodness:  

Knowledge and Skill are overrated.  Thank goodness there is an element of luck in poker.  Treasure luck over skill any day, any time and with that friendship still stands a chance.


Sunny Tong is retired .

He stopped playing tennis for 15 years and is now playing catch up for lost time.  Tennis four days each week is great if the head, shoulder and knee all cooperate.  Monday is always slow, take until Wed to warm up and by Friday it’s time to go easy and relax.  The cycle repeats.

His profession as a real estate developer came late but sweet while it lasted.  Nothing perfect, but at the  least was conducted like a symphony, as it should be for any complicated project to be successful. 

The work force multifamily housing project as a public/private partnership in San Mateo is a first for the City.  The technology office/residential campus at the BART mass-transit station is a first for the City of San Leandro.  The entitlement and adaptive reuse of a blight neighborhood center into school for the Foster City San Mateo School District is a first for Foster City.  Demographic data mining and use of geographic information systems in real estate analytic is pioneering and ahead of its time and popularity.  Last to be mentioned but most proud of is the acquisition and installation of the 55 foot Burning Man sculpture “Truth Is Beauty” at the tech campus. 



‘Difficult Conversations Can Deepen Bonds’ by Harry Chang – September 2020

Harry Chang

Harry is currently a Realtor with Compass in Palo Alto, California, and loves what he does, especially since he works with his best friend, Charlene – who also happens to be his spouse and life partner. Prior to real estate, Harry had a fruitful career in finance, consulting, private equity investments, and corporate management. He left his last role as an Executive Vice President of Li & Fung in 2015, because he had promised Charlene he would leave his globe-trotting job when his younger child left for college, and he kept his promise.

Harry has been in the Bay Area since 1988, when he transplanted from New York to attend Stanford Business School. The sunny climate, the great outdoors, and the diversity of people and cultures served as strong draws to keep him here, and he hasn’t looked back since. In addition to work, Harry volunteers his time with various organizations, including serving as Chair of the San Francisco Lodge of FF Fraternity, the oldest Chinese fraternity in the US, and interviewing for Yale College and Phillips Academy. Harry is a former Director of Yale’s alumni interviewers for the Peninsula region and was a founding Board member of the Association of Asian American Yale Alumni.


Most of us have more than a few good friends. We enjoy each other’s company, having nice meals together, playing games, and oftentimes having thoughtful discussions. Sometimes we help a friend through a difficult time – parenting problems, issues with a spouse, or an illness. During these rough patches, friendships can grow deeper as we offer comfort, love, and support to our friends in need. There are other times when our relationships may hit some turbulence and we avoid talking about the cause of the rough air. My proposition in this posting to Billy’s friendship website is that rather than avoiding the bumps, making the choice of engaging in difficult conversations can deepen the bonds of a friendship or other relationship that may be meaningful to you.

I would like to share two personal examples:

A long time ago when I was a second-year business school student, I was in a class that included a time-consuming group project, and everyone in the group received the same grade on the project regardless of individual effort. One of my very good friends was a member of this project group and he usually came unprepared to our meetings and hardly did any work. One of my core values is to be fair and considerate to others, so I felt strongly that my friend was being extremely inconsiderate of his fellow group members. This feeling steamed inside me throughout the quarter, yet I didn’t do anything about it. Finally, at one of our evening meetings, I called out my friend for his lack of preparation. I tried to talk in an objective manner and voiced my feelings, rather than attack my friend, but it still was a very strained discussion. To my friend’s credit, he pulled me aside after the meeting to talk further and we ended up talking for a few hours until well after midnight. It was definitely not an easy discussion – we were NOT shooting the breeze – but we ended our talk with a tight hug and not only did we remain friends, our friendship got stronger as a result of this difficult conversation.

My second story is both work-related and personal. My boss (who also was and is a good friend) and I had to endure a very challenging stretch at work, commuting weekly from the Bay Area to New York for a few months, as we were trying to save a company from bankruptcy. During this time, we were eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in the office, oftentimes returning to our apartment in the early morning hours. Adrenaline was high, as was stress, and morale was very low. Towards the end of this difficult assignment, I wasn’t feeling great about my relationship with my boss, because he wasn’t communicating like he normally did, he was curt during our discussions, and he just seemed angry with me. Under the circumstances, I didn’t blame him at all, but because the tension between us was bothering me, I finally broached the topic over a late dinner. I tiptoed into the discussion, because this was definitely a sensitive situation, but I was clear in my intention and I voiced how I felt. My boss didn’t hold back and laid out exactly why he was upset with me; the tension between us was definitely real, not imagined. For what seemed like a long time, we talked about our respective feelings and our own perspective on the situation. At first, the tension was as thick as the spicy curry sitting on the table, but in the end the air was clearer and the haze had lifted. We understood each other and we respected each other’s perspective. Instead of letting this tension simmer and fester, and hurt our relationship, we talked through this difficult and sensitive issue. The result was a stronger, not weaker, bond.

I’ve had a few other tough discussions, not just the ones above. I like to share a few lessons learned from my experiences with difficult conversations:

Confront difficult situations, don’t avoid them. For many of us, the easy thing to do is nothing, but avoidance doesn’t resolve differences and, more often than not, simply makes the situation worse. Whatever bad feelings there are will fester and, without meaningful dialogue, both parties just think the worse of the other. Inaction causes a self-fulfilling prophecy, because our negative thoughts fill the communications vacuum.

Difficult conversations don’t need to be confrontational. Take your emotions out of the equation and conversation, understand the other person may have a different perspective, and respect that other perspective. A lot of times when we go into these tough discussions, we go into attack mode, thinking we’re right and the other person is wrong. This mindset will just make matters worse, so don’t do it.

It’s okay to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Share your thoughts, your perspective and, especially, your feelings. Instead of labeling or judging the other person’s actions, talk about the impact of those actions on you. There’s no right and wrong, or good and bad, about how you feel, but when you say something like, “What you did yesterday was bad,” you immediately put the other person on the defensive.

Focus on a mutual understanding of the issue, and move the conversation towards a resolution that meets both persons’ needs. Remember that your goal isn’t to simply “get the issue off your chest,” but to work together with the other party to reach a meaningful (it doesn’t necessarily have to be amicable) resolution.

From my personal experience, when I’ve engaged in difficult conversations with friends, our bonds got stronger and the relationships became more meaningful. On the work front, difficult conversations have resulted in mutual respect and understanding, and a tighter team mentality. So when you’re confronted with a tough situation, think twice before you turn your back on it. Dealing with controversy and sensitive situations proactively and with purpose will strengthen your relationships, both personally and work-wise.


“Friendship, Empathy & Vision” by Richard M. Liu -Sept. 2020

Richard Liu with wife, Betty Wei
and daughters Katherine & Phebe

Richard M Liu is an American and resident Hong Kong:

  • A graduate of Browne & Nichols Country Day School, Cambridge, and Harvard College, 1952;
  • Married to Betty Wei, a graduate of Chapin School, Bryn Mawr College, 1953, NYU, and  HKU, PhD; a columnist, research historian, and authors of 4 books;
  • Two daughters; and four granddaughters;
  • A practitioner of banking and finance for more than five decades (now retired); involving eleven sovereign economies in North & South America, the Arabian Gulf, and Asia.



When asked by my best friend to write on this subject, I wanted to do it out of friendship. And I think I know, out of a sense of empathy, his reason for the request. This is what friendship and empathy are all about.

I had no idea, however, until I started to write, just how difficult it is to make sense of these words. It has taken several weeks of introspection, researching, learning, and reminiscing before I feel comfortable enough to tackle this subject.

What Is Friendship?

What is it? How does it come about between two people? Is it our DNA? That endows us humans with a brain to think; a heart to feel; an ability to verbalize our thoughts and emotions; and the instinct to want to be connected with others of our kind? I would like to think so.

Given this instinct and the ability to communicate, is it not natural that one would want a relationship with others one likes? Some relationship will wither due to indifference. However, some will grow from mutual likeness and interaction into friendship, and from friendship into love.

Friendship gives two people unknowing opportunities to learn from each other and the desire to want to help the other in many different ways. The sense of loneliness in the current lockdown we are experiencing — now that we are compelled to observe self-isolation at home and social distancing and mask wearing outside — makes me realize just how much we need friends. Is this the power of friendship?

It takes a mutual sense of empathy, nevertheless, to make us aware whom we miss. So it is empathy between two people, which sustains a friendship.  

What Is Empathy?

This is the innate ability in human beings to understand another person one cares about and wants to share the feelings of that person. Empathy can be described as cognitive, emotional, and/or compassionate. I have observed as a lover of music that musicians and lovers of music seem to share a stronger sense of empathy. Although not everyone has empathy and it does not necessarily follow that a person would possess all three types of empathy. Can it be learned? I would like to think so.

Cognitive empathy is the ability to put oneself in the place of another person, to see and feel what that person sees and feels. This is a skill some has; and it can be seen in those who succeed in sales and in negotiation. However, there is a dark side to this personality as well. According to professionals in psychiatry, narcissistic, sociopath, or the bad aspects of Machiavellianism would be examples. Such a person can be talented but devoid of sympathy for the suffering of others.

Emotional empathy exists when one feels physically for another person [as if emotion is contagious] and wants to be attached to that person. A strong sense of emotional empathy is what leads to and binds a friendship.

Compassionate empathy exists when one understands the predicament of another, feels for that person, and wanting to lend a helping hand.

What Is Vision?

Subjective and futuristic, it is influenced by the experience of a person. For this reason, I propose to write about my own life experience as an example before writing on the subject of vision.

Life Experiences:

1930 was the year of my birth. The tumultuous events in that decade and the one that follows — the Great Depression in America, which started in 1929; the Second Sino-Japanese War in Asia (1937-1945); the Rise of Nazism in Germany that led to World War II (1939-1945); and Japan’s attack and occupation of Hong Kong (1941-1945) – had huge impacts on the formative years of my life; and, I think, shaped the person that I have become. 

Now that I have reached my 90th year on earth, and having crossed the threshold of wisdom as well, I should know at least the difference between a wise guy and a wise man. I would recognize a wise guy by his behavior, which is inevitably “me first”, but a wise man I am doubtful.

My own life began in comfort with no want only to become one of deprivation and hardship. I emerge from those experience possessing courage, a will, and a determination to survive, and probably with the strengths to walk a straight and righteous path, literally and figuratively. Some may consider that stubborn or arrogant, but I also learned humility, kindness and forgiveness that were taught to me.

 Born to Cantonese parents in Shanghai and as a 3rd generation American of Chinese descent was unusual in itself. The circumstances — on reaching the end of my first month of life — when I was taken by my parents, together with a brother two years my senior, on a P&O ship to Hong Kong (so I am told); to stay over at the Peninsula Hotel before being carried in my mother’s arm, who walked across the street in front of the hotel to board a coal-burning, steam locomotive train to home, which was Canton (renamed Guangzhou since then) was not an ordinary event either. 

The family would take us children and our amahs to spend a few weeks in the summer at the Repulse Bay Hotel (to get away from the heat and humidity of Guangzhou). Then the family relocated to Hong Kong, on account of civil disturbance in Guangzhou, which was the beginning of the Communist movement. We were living in Stanley and attending St. Stephen’s Grammar School until I was 11.

As Dux of our respective class, my brother and I were treated to two movies of our choice. There were only two movie theatres then — the King’s and the Queen’s theatres, on opposite side of Queen’s Road Central; one showing in Technicolor Northwest Passage starring Spencer Tracy and Gig Young, the other also in Technicolor, Northwest Mounted Police starring Garry Cooper. In between the movies, we had supper of pork chop, “jit gua” (a melon) and rice at Jimmy’s Kitchen. We took the bus (instead of being driven in the family car, Sunday being the day-off for the driver; and car-owner did not drive in those days). We woke up the next morning to Japan’s invasion of Hong Kong, (Japan did not declare war on Great Britain at all). That was Christmas Day 194l.

By then I had learned humility and kindness from “Leung Lo Si”; and forgiveness from Mrs. Martin, whose husband was Headmaster of St. Stephen’s. In my recollection, Leung Lo Si ordered me one day as the class was ending to “sit on the wall”, a punishment for misbehaving. Tears of outrage were rolling down my cheeks. After the class room was empty out, she said to me in Cantonese to the effect that “you are not being punished; but I hope this experience will help you to remember what it feels like to be punished and that not everyone learns as fast as you. Learn humility and kindness and help others less able than you.”

In the Japan-occupied-Colony, everyone was subject to body search, which can be described as a lascivious and intentionally-insulting act. Like everyone else, I endured

In silence while I think of Mrs. Martin and Leung Lo Si.

30 years later, when I returned to Hong Kong, in 1972, I re-revisited my old school and stumbled across the grave of Mrs. Martin on a mount in school grounds. I went back to the village and returned with flowers. I placed the flowers beneath the cross that marked her grave and said a prayer in homage to a kind lady, who learned Cantonese so that she could teach us. That was a poignant moment for me to feel good about myself as an adult and an intellectually-committed follower of Christ.

Forgiveness was etched in my mind. When I had high tea in the afternoon, especially at the Peninsular Hotel, I would think of her for teaching me good manners, including how to hold the saucer so that the tea cup would not rattle. Good manners meant standing up in the classroom when the teacher came in and went out of the classroom. It also meant to defer to the lady to enter a room first; to walk on the curb side of a street when escorting a lady; and to greet a lady standing up.

Back to Japanese-occupied Hong Kong: foreigners were interned but Chinese were encouraged to leave (on account of food and water shortages). My parents took the four of us to interior free China together with two very young nieces (who were left in the care of my parents when their mother did not survive surgery and their father was in America). For the next few years, life was a hardship; but for my brother and me, an adventure. We learned skills that we would not have otherwise. 

The ocean voyage on a flat bottom boat from Hong Kong to the French possession [which was subsequently renamed “Zhan Jiang”], the ship that departed Hong Kong in late afternoon had to lay over at Macau the next morning for fuel. Four of us — Dad, a friend of his, my brother and I — went ashore in  drizzling rain to purchase three boxes of “Char Siu Bao”. My brother and I were each holding a box underneath our poncho, when the box held by Dad, who was talking with his friend about the calligraphy on that box, when a man came from nowhere to grab it. Dad reacted quick enough to have tripped him up; but the man was already eating the paper box and the Bao inside lying on the wet ground. Other onlookers would grab a Bao that was spilled on the ground and ran. This scary scene of hunger was etched into my mind ever since. And I was to experience it later when we had to survive on one meal a day of rice and salted black beans.

 At Zhan Jiang, coolies were hired to carry our belongings and the sedans for us to sit. My brother and I ended up sharing one chair and taking turn to sit or walk. But both of us opted to walk and learn quickly enough the meaning of false pride. Today, I walk with a cane to keep my balance, and thought of that experience whenever my legs sent out the same aching signals. To this day, I wonder whether it was a case of feeling pity, on seeing the red and swollen shoulders of the coolies, or feeling the unfairness of it all.

On reaching the destination, we would ride on the back of a truck to Liuzhou, which was to be our home for the next two and half years.

Those trucks ran on kerosene. Riding a truck on unpaved dirt road with deep pot holes was an Experience, which I would not want to repeat. When the truck reached the foot of a hill, two “driver assistants”, who sat on either side of the driver, would get out of the cabin to crank up the air intake into the two charcoal burners, mounted on both sides of the vehicle. The truck would lurch forward a few feet. The helpers would put two triangular blocks of wood behind the rear wheels of the under-powered and over-laden truck to keep it from rolling backward; then start the cranking processing all over again. When the truck managed to reach the top of the hill, it would careen down the dirt road, which had no guard rail; as the driver would not use the brakes at all! We would see on the way down in the valley below over-turned trucks. We were told the reason: the kerosene left over at the end of a journey would be sold and the drivers would the cash for themselves. In retrospect, I think God was really looking after us.

Life in Liuzhou was comfortable: although we were living in a house built with inter-woven slats of bamboo with wet mud slapped on them as walls and dried grass as roof, we were going back to a co-educational school again (founded by Cantonese refugees just like us out of expediency). I recall there were friends (of the family) whose fathers were Flying Tiger Pilots, and whose families happened to be there at the same time — the Ou-Yeung brothers and the Ding brother/sister, similar in age to my brother and me.  Told to look after them, we would join in fist fights to defend them when the locals were out to beat up the “foreigners”. After a few days of coming home in torn clothes, Mom asked if she shouldn’t intervene. We would say no because we were gaining in numbers and winning! I think that was when we really found our sense of fair play. We taught the two boys swimming; and felt good to have them as friends, when they managed to swim back to shore from the capsized ferry in mid-river during a flood.

We experienced fear in our air shelter at home, on seeing a “bomb” dropping virtually on top of us. It splashed gasoline all over us. It turned out the “bomb” was the spare fuel tank of a Flying Tiger. Apparently the P-40 fighter plane needed the spare tank of fuel to fly from Chungking, the war-time capital of China, to engage the Japanese zero invaders in aerial combat. The plane would jettison the spare tank before a dog fight. Many planes would not have sufficient fuel to make it back to Chungking afterwards.

Dad had made known the fact and posted money for anyone who brought to him a downed Flying Tiger Pilot; doubling the money for the wounded; and four times the amount for a stretcher case. When a pilot was fit enough to travel, Dad would pay for a guide and two soldiers to escort him through Japanese occupied line to free China to the west of us. Unbeknown to me then, Dad would ask the Pilot to take the same consecutively numbered hand written message to the Vice Consul of the American Consulate at Kunming, who was also his friend and a fellow returnee from studying in America. Back came the message some how informing Dad to find his way from where we were to “Gwai-Yeung”, the capital city “Gwai-chou Province”, and to ask any US military installation to contact the US Consulate at Kunming, a car could be dispatched to fetch us. So destination “Gwaiyeung” it was, by asking for and following verbal directions without a map! To fund the next leg of that journey, we would sell off our belongings to raise cash. I remember how gleeful I was when my favorite things fetched more money than I expected. I no longer have any more sense of possessiveness ever since. I also learned the value of fiat money on arriving Kunming, when a small tangerine would cost four square blocks of money, tied together with strings! 

US passports were re-issued for the six of us as a family [having left the very young two nieces who were not US citizens in the care of Mom’s sister and her family at Kweilin at the time] in order to fly out of China, over the hump, to Calcutta, India; where we stayed at China Inn as guests of Uncle W.J. Wen, (Dad’s close friend and a fellow Mason), who happened to be the General Manager of the Bank of Communication; waiting there for the approximate scheduled arrival of the Swedish Ship, before taking the train, traversing the sub-content, that pulled along side the Port of Bombay (since renamed Mumbai) for us and other passengers, as it transpired, to board the Swedish Ship S.S. Gripsholms on a voyage of uncertain outcome in war time — from the Indian Ocean to and through the Suez Canal into the Atlantic Ocean, infested then with German submarines, to be able to sail past the Statute of Liberty with all passengers on deck to watch in silence and in awe, as the voyage of altogether 35 days came to an end.

It was at Boston (where Uncle Jim and Uncle John were owners/operators of Chinese restaurants at the time) that my arduous process began to learn English and to be, in Dad’s words, “a first-class American.”

The experience of having survived war-torn China made me feel very mature in comparison to my American peers at Browne and Nichols country day school, even though I could not speak, read and writes a word of English then. I was puzzled and confused by classmates who would call me Dick one day, Charlie next, then Fu Man Chu yet on another day, until I learned that there were movies about Charlie Chan the Chinese Detective and Fu Man Chu, the wise man; and that my American classmates loved to jest. I started to kid back only to learn about the “F word” from a classmate, who punched me hard on my shoulder (when we were waiting for the train in the subway) and whispered in my ear “not so loud in public, Charlie, that is a bad word”. (My school has since merged with Buckingham, a girl school, to become Buckingham, Brown & Nichols, or BB&N, the leading secondary day school in Metropolitan Boston).

Three years later, I was admitted to Harvard with due credit to my Mom and my English teacher. Mom accompanied me to the interview, and said to the interviewer, in perfect English, to the effect that “my boy is a good son, who went through hard times in war-torn China; kind, considerate, and a good Christian who never broke any rule; I shall feel safe knowing that he is in your good hands, to bring our younger children back to Hong Kong to rejoin my husband.” And the reference letter of Mr. William B. Thomas read in part — “selfdom, if ever, does he make the same mistake twice”. So I spent the next self-discovery four years and graduated as a member of the Class of 1952; just in time to be drafted into the Army that September for two years of military service in South Korea.   

The military is the most effective leveling process of men, whether well-to-do or under-privileged, the learned or the under-educated, into a common denominator – soldiers serving a higher purpose than just ourselves. When I realized my black brothers-in-arms did not know why they were drafted into the army or that there was a war in Korea, everyone learned to take apart and assemble a M1 Garand rifle in the dark and within the prescribed time. I earned the title of “Professor” and the incredulity of the training sergeant. I also learned a lesson on leadership, but more importantly, a love and respect for fellow men.

I found my value system, which was grounded in my up-brining, articulated at prep school, strengthened at college, and given full expression in military services is what equipped me very well in my journey through life.

Value System:

Our recorded history is a continuum of examples of how human beings learned from each other and helped each others that led to the discoveries that give us today a cumulative body of knowledge: starting with things physical from the discovery of Iron as far back as 2,500 BC (when a dagger was found among the artifacts that gave us the clue) to the discovery of paper and paper-making in 100 BC; gun powder in the 9th century; the locomotive and train in 1802; the Bessemer process in 1856, which refined pig iron into steel, and which made mass production feasible; electricity in 1879; the power plant in 1882; the automobile in 1885; to telephone, computer and internet of today.

I have seen fortune made and gone with the wind, so to speak. Such was the case with Dad, a builder who did not stop; who accepted failure [through no fault of his] without rancor, resentment or bitterness, and remained kind and optimistic with abiding faith in his progeny and in the future. He showed me that money is no guarantee for life. It is an individual’s resilience to respond to and accept changes that matters.

Regardless of what wealth you inherited or accumulated, it is what you will do with it; and not what money will do to you, that make the ultimate difference.

Those of us who live in America would know the reference to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the Constitution, but not many would remember that freedom requires responsibility to stop the exercise of freedom from becoming chaos.


Mine is about life — that all of us have an obligation to leave the world passed down to us to the generations to follow us; in a more humane and cleaner fashion (in the environmental sense of the word); in which peoples everywhere will have equal access to opportunity to improve themselves and their livelihoods; and to learn from each other.  Because of this phenomenon, inequality will give rise to greater equality; the huge disparity in wealth will be reduced and minimized over time; the line between the have and the have not will be erased; and capital will be deployed to benefit not just the few, but the many; that such an experiment with democracy will create eventually greater prosperity for everyone.

Concluding Remarks:

     This paper is a summation of one man’s experiences in life. It is meant to illustrate a not so obvious truth: that learning does not stop at commencement, but only begins or commences (in the true meaning of the word) as a life-long process. This is what gives us the knowledge and the technology to achieve the articulated vision.

What seems to be lacking is the political will and the responsibility, which only we have, as peoples enjoying the benefits of democracy — to hold our elected officials accountable, especially now, when the institutions of democratic governance is under attack internally as well as externally.

Perhaps the hardest lesson we have yet to learn is that war achieves nothing but destruction of life and human achievements.

Allow me then, to end this paper by recalling the sense of unity and joy I experienced singing in close harmony as a member of the Glee Club and of the University Choir —“Donna nobis pacem, per omnia seecula seeculorum”; “Grand us peace, world without end.”


Billy’s Comments:  Those who are interested in Investments should read Richard’s Visions on Investing in Hong Kong today. See below:


August 9, 2020

By Richard M. Liu <richardmliu@netivator.com>


If Hong Kong were to regain in the post pandemic world her footings as a trade entrepôt, an international transportation hub, and a global financial center, one must find solutions to livelihood issues, specifically: [1] how to enhance self-sufficiency in foods and water through the use of technology in Hong Kong and external to the SAR? [2] How to diversify sources of supplies to reduce virtually sole reliance on imports from China? [3] How to keep her markets as self-sufficient and as price-competitive as possible? [4] How to address the energy requirement to include development of green solutions? And [5] how to solve the lack of affordable housing? 

Ideas, Concepts, and Solutions

Turning around an economy currently in free fall will require a private initiative to finance the resumption of cross-border trade to supply energy products to mainland China [as the initial profit center], and direct investments to overcome shortages in the whole range of foods from animal husbandry and fishery to produce and fruits [each category being a profit center] and to develop a new source of algae-based green energy [to become a profit center]. Selective use of the most advanced of the several applicable technological systems will enhance productivity, produce monetary return, and create jobs. Reviving a failing economy will require the combined usage of capital, technology and “a spirit of enterprise” to produce the daily necessities of life, in Hong Kong and external to Hong Kong as well.


“Making a Place for Friendship” by Harvey Hacker – San Francisco – August 19, 2020

Billy and Harvey met for lunch in San Francisco
Harvey Hacker
Wrapping up active practice of architecture begun 1969 in San Francisco following study at Harvard after high school in LA, now working to improve both his piano playing and his cooking.


As an architect, I am concerned that friendship flower in a suitable setting can do no better than to offer you the some thoughts from Thoreau’s Walden, which I happened to be re-reading when Billy posed the question: ” How about writing about What is Friendly Architecture ? “

I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing up. It is surprising how many great men and women a small house will contain. I have had twenty-five or thirty souls, with their bodies, at once un­der my roof, and yet we often parted without being aware that we had come very near to one another.

One inconvenience I sometimes experienced in so small a house, the difficulty of getting to a sufficient distance from my guest when we began to utter the big thoughts in big words. You want room for your thoughts to get into sailing trim and run a course or two before they make their port. The bullet of your thought must have overcome its lateral and ricochet motion and fallen into its last and steady course before it reaches the ear of the hearer, else it may plow out again through the side of his head. Also, our sentences wanted room to unfold and form their columns in the interval.  Individuals, like nations, must have suitable broad and natural boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between them. I have found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companion on the opposite side. In my house we were so near that we could not begin to hear, – we could not speak low enough to be heard; as when you throw two stones into calm water so near that they break each other’s undulations. If we are merely loquacious and loud talkers, then we can afford to stand very near together, check by jowl, and feel each other’s breath; but if we speak reservedly and thoughtfully, we want to be farther apart, that all animal heat and moisture may have a chance to evaporate If ,we would enjoy the most intimate society with that in each of us which is without, or above, being spoken to, we must not only be silent, but only so far apart bodily that we cannot possibly hear each other’s voice in any case. Referred to this standard, speech is for the convenience of those who are hard of hearing; but there are many fine things which we cannot say if we have to shout. As the conversation began to assume a loftier and grander tone, we gradually shoved our chairs farther apart till they touched the wall in opposite corners, and then commonly there was not room enough.

My “best” room, however, my withdrawing room, always ready for company, on whose carpet the sun rarely fell, was the pine wood behind my house. Thither in summer days, when distinguished guests came, I took them, and a priceless domestic swept the floor and dusted the furniture and kept the things in order.

If one guest came he sometimes partook of my frugal meal, and it was no interruption to conversation to be stirring a hasty-pudding, or watching the rising and maturing of a loaf of bread in the ashes, in the meanwhile. But if twenty came and sat in my house there was nothing said about dinner, though there might be bread enough for two, more than if eating were a forsaken habit; but we naturally practiced abstinence; and this was never felt to be an offence against hospitality, but the most proper and considerate course. The waste and decay of physical life, which so often needs repair, seemed miraculously retarded in such a case, and the vital vigor stood its ground. I could entertain thus a thousand as well as twenty; and if any ever went away disappointed or hungry from my house when they found me at home, they may depend upon it that I sympathized with them at least.


Billy’s Comments: Harvey is a jolly witty friend. As an Architect, he is full of sympathy, as well as empathy – very creative and imaginative. Conversing with Harvey is a treat always.
