Alice Chiang, our dear friend and Ladera Neighbor, became 80 years old this Thanksgiving Day, 2023. Lucille and I were invited to join her Chinese Banquet Lunch Celebration in Midtown San Francisco. As we have both stopped driving a year ago, our No. One Son, Prescott, offered to drive us there from Portola Valley, and our No. Two Son, Gary, was to drive us back with his wife, Marchelle. All five of us went to support the Celebration, for indeed Alice has been a dear old Family Friend. We didn’t want to miss it for any reason.

At the Banquet I presented a short speech – still Lucille, Prescott, Gary, and Marchelle thought it was a shade long. I am quite pleased with my speech however, because it was authentically felt and delivered. I described how we, indeed, felt about Alice and our relationships by suggesting an adjective for each of the five alphabets from her name A L I C E. It went like this
A ADORABLE – We all truly adore her.
L LOVING – Her love and caring for us also.
I INTIMATE – Our Feelings towards each other. Our Deep Bonding.
C CHRISTIAN – Alice’s Faith and Values. Globally Compassionate.
E EMERAL – A beautiful Jewel – Beautifully Green forever.
This joyous gathering of Alice’s friends and relatives included John Sieh, Jimmy Hsu, and Billy Lee- sitting together at one table. We three old friends all studied Architecture in U.S. colleges around the same time. We indeed have a special rapport largely due to our common ideal about True and Everlasting Friendships and Yi Chi in Chinese. We truly enjoyed seeing each other again, chatting and laughing together, and even hugging and holding hands lovingly.

From left: Old Friends John Sieh, Jimmy Hsu, & Billy Lee