August 2023

What are the well-known causes of Misunderstandings in Cross-culture relations? What are the causes for General Misunderstanding of other peoples’ basic intentions – apathy, not listening seriously, too wrapped up in one’s own pursuits, too quick to react and make judgements and criticisms. What remedies are recommended?

ChatGPT Replied:

Cross-cultural misunderstandings can arise from a variety of factors, often rooted in differences in communication styles, values, norms, and worldviews. Here are some well-known causes of misunderstandings in cross-cultural relations, along with potential remedies:

  1. Communication Styles: Different cultures have varying norms for directness, verbosity, and nonverbal communication. Misunderstandings can occur when one person’s communication style is misinterpreted by another. For example, a direct communication style might be seen as rude or aggressive in a culture that values indirect communication.

Remedy: Developing cross-cultural communication skills, actively listening, and clarifying intentions can help bridge this gap. Being open to learning about different communication norms and adapting your style accordingly can go a long way.

  1. Cultural Norms and Values: What is considered polite, respectful, or appropriate behavior can vary greatly between cultures. Actions that are perfectly acceptable in one culture might be offensive in another.

Remedy: Taking the time to learn about the cultural norms and values of the people you’re interacting with can help you avoid inadvertently causing offense. Respect for local customs and adapting your behavior accordingly is key.

  1. Stereotypes and Prejudices: Preconceived notions and stereotypes about other cultures can lead to misunderstandings by influencing how we perceive and interpret others’ actions.

Remedy: Actively challenge and question your own biases and stereotypes. Approach each individual with an open mind and treat them based on their unique qualities rather than assumptions about their culture.

  1. Language Barriers: Language differences can lead to misinterpretations and confusion. Idiomatic expressions and nuanced meanings may not translate accurately.

Remedy: Use simple language and avoid jargon or idioms that might not be understood. If possible, employ bilingual or multilingual communication tools, and be patient when dealing with language barriers.

  1. Nonverbal Communication: Gestures, facial expressions, and body language can be interpreted differently in various cultures, leading to misunderstandings.

Remedy: When in doubt, it’s better to be cautious with nonverbal cues. Observing and learning about the nonverbal communication norms of a particular culture can prevent misinterpretations.

  1. Different Concept of Time: Cultures can have varying views on punctuality, deadlines, and the pace of work or social interactions.

Remedy: Understanding and respecting the local concept of time can help avoid misunderstandings related to scheduling and deadlines. Flexibility and adaptability are important in these situations.

  1. Cultural Sensitivity: Ignorance or insensitivity to cultural differences can lead to unintended conflicts.

Remedy: Educate yourself about the cultures you’re interacting with, and show genuine interest in understanding their perspective. Treat everyone with respect and humility.

  1. Assumptions: Assuming that others think, feel, or behave the same way you do can lead to misunderstandings.

Remedy: Approach interactions with an open mind and ask questions to clarify intentions and viewpoints. Don’t assume that your way of thinking is the only valid one.

  1. Lack of Empathy: Failing to put oneself in another person’s shoes can hinder effective communication and lead to misunderstandings.

Remedy: Practice empathy by actively trying to understand others’ feelings, experiences, and perspectives. This can foster better connections and clearer communication.

  1. Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution Skills: Different cultures may approach conflict in distinct ways, which can lead to misunderstandings during disagreements.

Remedy: Learn about how conflict is typically managed in the culture you’re interacting with. Developing skills for constructive and culturally-sensitive conflict resolution can prevent further misunderstandings.

In general, building strong cross-cultural relationships requires a willingness to learn, adapt, and communicate effectively. Developing cultural intelligence, which involves understanding and valuing cultural differences, is key to overcoming misunderstandings and fostering positive interactions.


Billy : Please site specific examples.

ChatGPT replied:

Certainly, here are some specific examples of cross-cultural misunderstandings and their potential remedies:

  1. Communication Styles: Example: In some cultures, being direct and blunt is seen as a sign of honesty and efficiency, while in others, it might be considered rude or confrontational. Remedy: When communicating across cultures, gauge the communication style of the other person and adapt your approach accordingly. Practice active listening and ask clarifying questions to ensure mutual understanding.
  2. Cultural Norms and Values: Example: In many Middle Eastern cultures, showing the soles of your feet is considered disrespectful. In Western cultures, it might not carry the same significance. Remedy: Be aware of local customs and norms. Avoid gestures or behaviors that might be offensive in the culture you’re interacting with.
  3. Language Barriers: Example: In Japanese, there’s a term called “Giri” which roughly translates to “social obligation” or “duty.” Translating it directly might not capture its cultural nuances. Remedy: When translating concepts, explain them in a way that aligns with the cultural context. Clarify meanings and encourage open dialogue to ensure accurate understanding.
  4. Nonverbal Communication: Example: Making direct eye contact is seen as a sign of honesty and confidence in many Western cultures, but in some Asian cultures, it might be seen as confrontational or disrespectful. Remedy: Learn about the nonverbal cues of the culture you’re interacting with. When unsure, observe and adapt to the body language of the locals.
  5. Different Concept of Time: Example: In some cultures, punctuality is highly valued, and being late is considered disrespectful. In other cultures, a more relaxed approach to time might be the norm. Remedy: Respect the local concept of time. If you’re in a culture where punctuality is crucial, plan ahead to arrive on time.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Example: Offering a gift with your left hand in some cultures is considered disrespectful, as the left hand is associated with bathroom hygiene. Remedy: Research local customs and taboos before gifting. Use your right hand or both hands when giving and receiving items.
  7. Assumptions: Example: In some cultures, a smile might not always indicate happiness but could be a polite response or a sign of nervousness. Remedy: Instead of assuming the meaning behind actions, ask open-ended questions to understand the context and intentions.
  8. Lack of Empathy: Example: A manager from a Western culture might push for more work hours without considering the importance of family time in a culture where family is highly valued. Remedy: Take the time to understand the priorities and values of the people you’re interacting with. Show empathy by acknowledging their perspective.
  9. Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution Skills: Example: A disagreement between a North American and an Asian colleague might escalate due to differing approaches to expressing dissent. Remedy: Learn about conflict resolution norms in the culture you’re dealing with. Focus on finding common ground and understanding rather than escalating tensions.

By addressing these specific examples and applying the recommended remedies, you can enhance your cross-cultural communication and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings. Remember that a willingness to learn, adapt, and treat others with respect is essential in navigating cultural differences effectively.


Billy:  Can you comment on ” not seriously listening” – Causes, Effects, & Remedies ?

CHAT Replied : Causes of Not Seriously Listening:

  1. Cultural Differences in Listening Norms: Different cultures have varying norms regarding active listening. In some cultures, interrupting or challenging a speaker might be considered a sign of engagement, while in others, it could be seen as disrespectful.
  2. Language Barriers: When communicating in a language that is not one’s native tongue, individuals might focus more on deciphering words than truly understanding the message, leading to a lack of active listening.
  3. Prejudices and Stereotypes: If someone holds biased views about a particular culture, they might assume they already know what the speaker is going to say and, as a result, might not pay full attention.
  4. Cognitive Biases: Cognitive biases such as confirmation bias (focusing on information that confirms one’s existing beliefs) can lead to selective listening, where individuals only pay attention to what aligns with their viewpoint.

Effects of Not Seriously Listening:

  1. Misunderstandings: Not listening seriously can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings, as important context or details might be missed.
  2. Offense and Disrespect: Not giving proper attention to a speaker can be perceived as disrespectful, causing offense and damaging relationships.
  3. Decreased Trust: When individuals feel they aren’t being heard, trust in the relationship can erode, making future interactions more challenging.
  4. Reduced Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration suffer when parties are not genuinely engaged in listening, leading to suboptimal outcomes.

Remedies for Not Seriously Listening:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Make a conscious effort to focus on the speaker’s words, tone, and nonverbal cues. Avoid interrupting and genuinely seek to understand their perspective.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Learn about the listening norms of the culture you’re interacting with. Adapt your approach to align with their expectations, even if it’s different from your own.
  3. Question Assumptions: Challenge any assumptions or biases you might have about the speaker or their culture. Approach the conversation with an open mind.
  4. Empathy and Openness: Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes. Try to understand their point of view and the context behind their words. Be open to learning from them.
  5. Reflect and Paraphrase: Summarize or paraphrase what you’ve heard to ensure mutual understanding. This shows that you’re actively engaged and trying to comprehend the message.
  6. Minimize Distractions: Put away electronic devices, find a quiet environment, and minimize distractions to show that you’re fully present and attentive.
  7. Ask Questions: Encourage the speaker to elaborate and clarify by asking questions. This not only shows your interest but also helps prevent assumptions.
  8. Seek Feedback: Ask the speaker for feedback on your listening skills. This shows your commitment to improving and valuing their input.
  9. Cultivate Patience: If language barriers exist, give the speaker time to express themselves. Avoid rushing or finishing their sentences for them.

In cross-cultural interactions, actively and seriously listening is a cornerstone of effective communication. It demonstrates respect, fosters understanding, and builds stronger relationships. By being aware of the causes and effects of not seriously listening and applying these remedies, you can enhance your ability to connect and collaborate across cultures.



Describe Best Feelings from having Wonderful Friendships: Gratefulness for Cross Learning and Growth, Joy of being Understood, Accepted, and Embraced, etc. etc. etc. -so special that it exceeds other joys.


The feelings that arise from experiencing wonderful friendships are truly remarkable, often surpassing many other joys in life. These relationships create a profound impact on our emotional well-being and personal growth, fostering a sense of connection that is both fulfilling and enduring. Some of the best feelings that come from such friendships include:

  1. Gratefulness for Cross Learning and Growth: True friendships often involve individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity becomes a source of mutual learning and growth. Engaging in conversations with a friend who has different viewpoints can open up new horizons of understanding, enriching your own perspective on life.
  2. Joy of Being Understood: One of the most precious feelings in a close friendship is the sense of being truly understood. Having someone who knows your strengths, weaknesses, dreams, and fears, and accepts you for who you are, creates a deep sense of emotional security. The ability to communicate without words, to share a glance and understand each other’s thoughts, is a unique joy that only close friendships can provide.
  3. Acceptance and Embrace: In a wonderful friendship, you can be your authentic self without any fear of judgment. The acceptance and embrace that come from a true friend foster an environment where you can express your thoughts, feelings, and quirks without reservation. This acceptance helps you build self-confidence and a strong sense of belonging.
  4. Shared Laughter and Joy: The moments of shared laughter and joy with a close friend are unparalleled. Inside jokes, funny memories, and even the ability to find humor in everyday situations become cherished treasures. The ability to uplift each other’s spirits and find happiness in each other’s company is a unique delight.
  5. Mutual Support and Encouragement: A wonderful friendship provides a safe haven where you can share your ambitions, challenges, and aspirations. Having someone who genuinely supports and encourages you can boost your confidence and motivation. Through both victories and setbacks, a true friend stands by your side, ready to offer a helping hand or a listening ear.
  6. Growth Through Challenges: Friendships are not without their challenges, but overcoming these challenges together can deepen the bond and create a sense of accomplishment. Navigating conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences of opinion teaches valuable lessons in communication, empathy, and compromise, ultimately strengthening the friendship.
  7. Celebrating Achievements: Sharing your successes with a true friend amplifies the joy of achievement. Whether it’s a personal milestone, a professional accomplishment, or a simple triumph over adversity, having someone who genuinely celebrates your victories adds an extra layer of happiness and significance to those moments.
  8. Unconditional Support: A wonderful friend is someone who stands by you through thick and thin, offering unconditional support. This support creates a sense of security, allowing you to face life’s challenges with greater courage and resilience.

In summary, the unique blend of cross-learning, understanding, acceptance, shared joy, and unwavering support that arises from wonderful friendships creates a tapestry of emotions that can exceed many other joys in life. These relationships enrich our lives, contribute to our personal growth, and remind us of the beautiful connections we can forge with others on our journey.

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Billy continued: Please describe more the feelings.

ChatGPT :

Certainly, let’s delve deeper into the specific feelings that make wonderful friendships so special:

  1. Gratefulness for Cross Learning and Growth: The feeling of gratefulness in a friendship stems from the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and insights. It’s a sense of awe that arises when you realize how much you’ve learned from your friend, and how they’ve expanded your horizons. This feeling is marked by appreciation for the opportunity to grow as an individual through the wisdom your friend brings into your life.
  2. Joy of Being Understood: Imagine the warmth that envelops your heart when you’re with a friend who just “gets” you. The joy of being understood is a feeling of utter comfort, like finding a safe haven where your thoughts and feelings are not only acknowledged but embraced. It’s a profound contentment that comes from realizing you don’t need to explain yourself because your friend truly comprehends you on a deep level.
  3. Acceptance and Embrace: The feeling of acceptance is liberating. It’s the sense that you can reveal your true self without fear of rejection. This feeling envelops you in a warm embrace, nurturing your self-esteem and allowing you to shed any masks you might wear in other contexts. It’s a heartwarming affirmation that you are valued just as you are.
  4. Shared Laughter and Joy: The shared laughter between friends is infectious and uplifting. It’s a feeling of lightness that bubbles up from within, sparked by inside jokes and mutual amusement. This laughter carries with it a sense of camaraderie, reminding you of the simple yet profound pleasures of companionship.
  5. Mutual Support and Encouragement: The feeling of mutual support is like a safety net that gives you the courage to take risks. It’s the knowledge that you have a steadfast ally who believes in your abilities and dreams. This feeling generates a surge of confidence and motivation, propelling you forward even when faced with challenges.
  6. Growth Through Challenges: The feeling of growth through challenges is empowering. It’s the recognition that obstacles aren’t barriers but opportunities for deeper connection and understanding. This feeling involves a mix of determination, empathy, and resilience as you and your friend work together to overcome difficulties.
  7. Celebrating Achievements: Celebrating achievements with a friend amplifies your sense of accomplishment. It’s a feeling of shared pride, where your friend’s enthusiasm and genuine happiness magnify your own joy. This feeling reinforces the bonds of your friendship and adds layers of significance to your successes.
  8. Unconditional Support: The feeling of unconditional support is like a reassuring embrace during times of uncertainty. It’s a sensation of being wrapped in a safety net that allows you to take risks and pursue your dreams without fear of falling. This feeling instills a deep sense of trust and comfort in the knowledge that your friend will be there, no matter what.

Each of these feelings combines to create a rich tapestry of emotions that make wonderful friendships so incredibly special. They touch on the core of our human need for connection, understanding, and mutual growth, and they remind us of the unique magic that comes from sharing our lives with those who truly matter.



Think more about different sufferings by different people in different situations – poor or rich, old and young, healthy or sick etc. etc. . How does Compassion adjust to each of the above?


Compassion is the capacity to understand and feel concern for the suffering of others, coupled with the desire to alleviate that suffering. It is a fundamental aspect of human empathy and connection, and it plays a crucial role in how we relate to and support individuals facing various forms of suffering, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Compassion’s response to different forms of suffering can vary, but its core principles generally remain the same:

  1. Empathy and Understanding: Compassion begins with the ability to empathize and understand the experiences of others. This involves putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to see the world from their perspective, regardless of their social status, age, health, or other factors. By recognizing their pain and challenges, you create a foundation for offering genuine support.
  2. Equity and Fairness: Compassion doesn’t discriminate based on external factors. It treats all suffering as equally important and deserving of attention, regardless of whether someone is poor or rich, young or old, healthy or sick. Compassion strives to treat everyone with fairness and impartiality.
  3. Tailored Support: Compassion recognizes that different individuals may require different forms of support. For instance, a poor person might benefit from material assistance, while a rich person might need emotional support during a personal crisis. Similarly, a sick individual might need medical care, while a healthy person might need help navigating a difficult life transition. Compassion seeks to identify and provide the most appropriate form of assistance for each situation.
  4. Acting to Alleviate Suffering: Compassion is not just about feeling empathy; it’s about taking meaningful action to alleviate suffering. This might involve providing practical help, emotional support, or advocating for systemic changes that can reduce suffering on a broader scale.
  5. Respect for Dignity: Compassion recognizes the inherent dignity of every individual, regardless of their circumstances. It avoids pity or condescension and instead promotes a sense of shared humanity and mutual respect.
  6. Community and Connection: Compassion acknowledges that suffering is a shared human experience. It encourages the formation of supportive communities where individuals can connect, share their struggles, and find solace in knowing they are not alone.
  7. Long-Term Commitment: Compassion is not limited to short-term assistance; it recognizes that some forms of suffering require sustained effort and commitment. This could involve ongoing emotional support, rehabilitation for long-term health issues, or advocating for policy changes that address systemic injustices.
  8. Cultural Sensitivity: Compassion respects cultural differences and understands that the experience of suffering can be influenced by cultural norms and values. It adapts its approach to suit the cultural context and preferences of those in need.

In summary, compassion transcends the boundaries of social status, age, health, and other factors. Its overarching goal is to alleviate suffering and promote well-being in all individuals, while recognizing and respecting their unique circumstances and needs. It is a powerful force that can bring people together, foster understanding, and create positive change in the face of diverse forms of suffering.



SENIOR BROTHERS, LARRY HO & BILLY LEE , INITIATED BY FF BOSTON LODGE IN 1951, CONTINUE TO BUILD MEANINGFUL BONDING TOGETHER. “Think not what FF can do for you. Think how together we can contribute together to FF. “. Both now near 90 years old, they aspire to inspire before they expire. Bro. Larry recently posted a Guest Blog by Bro. Billy in his  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/何毓琦 .  See: https://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=1565&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=


哈佛(1961-2001) 清华(2001-date)

Guest Blog by William MS Lee

已有 644 次阅读 2023-8-1 18:39 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

William (Billy) MS Lee is the first friend I made when I arrived in the United States in 1950. We were initiated into the same Chinese Student Fraternity, FF, in 1951. Thereafter we maintain contact over the next 70+ years as our friendship remains meaningful in our lives. Retired from Architectural Practice and Volunteering as a Founding Board Member of the 1990 Institute (focusing on US- China relations), Billy joined the USCPFA (US-China People’s Friendship Association) and started to do his personal informal research on Friendship via his <https://friendshipology.net>. Below is taken from one of his recent posts. 



I truly believe that all people have INNATE GOODNESS and WEAKNESSES.        I prefer to focus on cultivating and promoting our INNATE GOODNESS like COMPASSION – CARING FOR AND HELPING EACH OTHERS and NOT TO HURT OR HARM ONE  ANOTHER.             That should be my simple GOAL & PURPOSE. 


EMPATHY is the skill we all need to learn to really understand each other’s emotions, aspirations, and feelings and learn how best to help each other wisely, effectively, and realistically.                                        That should be my consistent PRACTICE. 


FRIENDSHIP to me is OUR REWARD. It has been proven by many social surveys that FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS HAVE DEFINED OUR MEANING IN LIFE and brought TRUE HAPPINESS. FRIENDSHIP, btw, can be deepened if we PURSUE GLOBAL COMPASSION TOGETHER.  Yes ! I have recently joined Dr. Rick Hanson’s GCC (Global Compassion Coalition). 

This commitment brings me a PURE & WONDERFUL FEELING. 

William (Billy) Ming Sing Lee


RESEARCH: Friendship to Empathy to Compassion CONCLUSION: Compassion to Empathy to Friendship – Lessons Learned from: Friendshipology.net

I truly believe that all people have INNATE GOODNESS and WEAKNESSES.

I prefer to focus on cultivating and promoting our INNATE GOODNESS like



 That should be my simple GOAL & PURPOSE.

EMPATHY is the skill we all need to learn to really understand each other’s emotions, aspirations, and feelings and learn how best to help each other wisely, effectively, and realistically.   

That should be my consistent PRACTICE.

FRIENDSHIP to me is OUR REWARD. It has been proven by many social surveys that FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS HAVE DEFINED OUR MEANING IN LIFE and brought TRUE HAPPINESS. FREINDSHIP, btw, can be deepened if we PURSUE GLOBAL COMPASSION TOGETHER. Yeh ! I have recently joined Dr. Rick Hanson’s GCC ( Global Compassion Coalition).

This commitment brings me a very PURE and WONDERFUL FEELING.

Billy – William Ming Sing Lee


CHINESE TRANSLATION of the above by Prof. An (CHINA)





谊对我来说,是人类的奖赏。许多社会调查证明,谊和社交关系,定义了我们生活的意义,并带来了真正的幸福。如果我们共同追求全球的共情,友谊一定能够不断加深地久天长正因此,我最近加入了Dr. Rick Hanson 里克·汉森  博士的 GCC(全球共情联盟)


比利·威廉  李名


GOODNESS & GOOD FEELINGS RESONATE THRU MUSIC“ We are not alone “ – by Doris Lam – July 2023

A pleasant surprise when we attended a concert held in ISU in Pocatello. Since we started staying here for a few months each year to taste a difference from California, we indeed noticed that this small town appears quite isolated.  People are extremely friendly here, but we hardly meet any Asians other than the staff in Asian restaurants. 


Touched by the lyrics of the theme song; further moved by the singing together by all choirs participating ( from Costa Rica, Idaho USA high schools, boys from Poland, Chinese women from Bay Area California, Tiantai Buddhism from China, youths from Catalonia ) at the end. 

I can’t describe the emotion I felt hearing them, especially when they sang ‘He is watching over us’ together.  They have different religions and basis of their hope; yet they were standing on the same stage sharing their passion. 

Indeed we shall not lose our hope. We shall continue to connect and pollinate.  


Stephen Lee shared the above with Billy and added:
What do you think? How do you feel about this In the context of Friendshipology ?



ChatGPT Replied:

Compassion, empathy, and friendship are interconnected concepts that are deeply rooted in human emotions and social interactions. While they may not have a direct chemical relationship, they share common psychological and emotional foundations that contribute to the depth and strength of human relationships. Let’s explore how these concepts relate to each other:

  1. Empathy and Compassion: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves putting oneself in someone else’s shoes and experiencing their emotions. Compassion, on the other hand, goes beyond empathy. It is the genuine concern for the well-being of others, often leading to a desire to help or alleviate their suffering.

Empathy and compassion have been associated with the brain’s mirror neuron system and areas involved in emotional processing. When we empathize with someone, our brain activity can mirror their emotional states. Moreover, acts of compassion have been found to activate reward centers in the brain, which reinforces prosocial behavior.

  1. Friendship and Social Bonds: Friendship is a close and affectionate relationship between two or more people. It is characterized by mutual trust, support, and understanding. Social bonds, including friendships, are essential for human survival and well-being. These connections are believed to have evolutionary origins and play a role in promoting cooperation and group cohesion. 

The chemistry of friendship and social bonds is more complex and multifaceted. Hormones like oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” are thought to play a role in the formation and maintenance of social connections. Oxytocin is released during positive social interactions, including hugging, touching, and trusting interactions, fostering feelings of attachment and bonding.

  1. Overlapping Aspects: Compassion and empathy are essential components of meaningful friendships. True friends are often compassionate and empathetic toward one another’s joys and struggles. Empathy allows friends to understand each other’s perspectives, while compassion enables them to provide emotional support during difficult times.

While there may not be a single “chemical” that encompasses compassion, empathy, and friendship, these concepts are closely related and have a profound impact on our social lives and well-being. The brain’s complex neurochemistry and the release of various hormones during social interactions contribute to the emotional bonds and connections we form with others, making empathy, compassion, and friendship significant aspects of our lives.


BILLY’s Thoughts :

I truly believe that all people have INNATE GOODNESS and WEAKNESSES. I prefer to focus on cultivating and promoting our INNATE GOODNESS like COMPASSION – CARING FOR AND HELPING EACH OTHERS and NOT TO HURT OR HARM EACH OTHER. That should be my GOAL & PURPOSE.

EMPATHY is the skill we all need to learn to really understand each other’s emotions and feelings and learn how best to help each other wisely, effectively, and realistically. That should be my PRACTICE.

FRIENDSHIP to me is OUR REWARD. It has been proven by many social surveys that FRIENDSHIPS & RELATIONSHIPS HAVE DEFINED OUR MEANING IN LIFE and brought TRUE HAPPINESS. FREINDSHIP, btw, can be deepened if we PURSUE GLOBAL COMPASSION TOGETHER. Yeh ! I have recently joined Dr. Rick Hanson’s GCC ( Global Compassion Coalition).

MEANING OF LIFE – All About Chemistry? a three-way exchange among James, Stephen, & Billy –  July 2023

Billy :  Much about Humanity and Powers Control, what about Meaning of Life for us personally ?  Can we learn more from James’ “CHASING DAVIS” ?

James:  According to Chasing Davis ( a book James published some years ago ) Life has no intrinsic or universal meaning. However, Life does allow us the opportunity to create an individual meaning for our respective lives. 

Stephen:  Very much my conclusion as well, James. We can create individually because of what? Our individual ability to set a goal using our freedom plus reasoning ability to make a choice among alternatives. And then to execute our individual choice of future actions.

I believe that a purpose can be created out of nothingness. It may be an evolution and not necessarily be objective universally. It’s sufficient to be subjective.

James:  Our answers seem to work for us.  That is enough. 

Billy:  Individual Goals, Ideas, and Choices are fine for the Individual by him or herself.

What indeed happens when they ultimately meet others bilaterally or collectively ?

Stephen:  Your persistent question to go beyond an individual’s subjective values, happiness and “purposes or no purpose” illustrates the unsatisfying hypothesis to many people that life and existence have no purpose.

Perhaps it is an egoistic urge arising from our brains to enable oneself to be elevated to a higher rank than others so as to feel good about ourselves. In other words, it may be a subjective illusion. But on the other hand, it is just as possible to explain it as an attractive force from somewhere in the Universe which motivates our brain (or our subjective self) towards a purpose or a level of “evolution” to create a more complex and beautiful Universe.

This is attractive to me because it explains the Universe as a growing and evolving existence which can be also objectively measured scientifically by humans and aliens alike and compared over time to go through cycles and stages of progress and reversals, complexification and destruction, spiraling into the future.

If today’s “establishments in science” also evolves and grow, humanity and the Universe will grow also.

James:  Purpose is defined by the individual.  Metaphor:  The universe is an immense, craggy, rocky mountain. On its surface there are random, small pockets of life. This life serves no purpose for the mountain. Thus, these scattered life forms must create their own purpose if they so choose.

 When individuals interact:  Metaphor:  individual subatomic particles are quantum…each spinning and not spinning at the same time…hard to understand and analyze.  Yet when they form atoms and atoms form a brick…easy to see and investigate.  Yet what about water?  Not so stable, constantly changing, interacting, evaporating, freezing, hard to pin down. But the forces that keep both the brick and the water together are the same…gravity and chemical bonds.  Think of these two universal forces metaphorically as what we conceptualize as hard science and elusive spirituality.  When gravity and chemical bonds are functioning properly, the atoms stick together to form a cohesive whole. When outside forces intervene, they splinter back into subatomic particles.

Stephen: Though “Purpose” is fundamentally exhibited on an individual human basis (like an individual atom of a unique kind), individual humans with similar “Purpose” attract one another to form collective molecules using a different or perhaps weaker chemical bond. Is that why we use the term “chemistry” to describe friendship?

Billy:  I like to quote you guys in a brief article in <https://friendshipology.net>, if I may. If Friendship depends on Chemistry, let’s study more about what Chemistry..

Cheers !



Billy Lee – June 2023

Many dear friends contributed articles to https://friendshipology.net. From our correspondences, I learned much more about my special friendship with each of them. Spontaneously I made up my own heart-felt words to describe these friends: “Always Encouraging” are those who never failed to write a few words to keep my spirit up. “Friends Through Friendshipology” are those who met through the website and discovered delightful inspirations for one another. Several friends were just kind to me. In order to keep me involved in their deep discussion, they indeed “Walked With Me – My Pace.” Several Friends inspired me with their newly published books and programs which indeed will benefit the World. I called them “ My Esteemed Friends of The World ”. There is a close group of classmates from Phillips Andover. We are not ordinary social friends. We connect via the Non Sibi Spirit taught at Andover. This morning, I discovered another special Friend. I like to call him “ My Fellow Connector and Pollinator”.

Billy’s Yale ’55 Classmate, Charlie Goodyear (From 50th Class Reunion Book )

Billy Wrote to Charlie and a few others on Jun. 16, 2023 

My Good Friends,

You know I am a bit naive, but you also know that

sometimes I hit on some truly important ideas.

The attached article involves Promoting Compassion.

Empathy. and Friendship. 

Can you help me fan the Spirit of CEF ?

Please share your good ideas and advice.

Thanks with warm affection always,

Billy – Ming Sing 


PS: How about giving a new name to the THREE PEAKS in Yosemite National Park from “TheThree Brothers” to “ Monument of Three Virtues: COMPASSION, EMPATHY, and FRIENDSHIP ?”


Charlie Replied three days later:

Billy !! I sent your wonderful message to several of my friends ! Here is one of their responses. !! Best wishes ! Charlie

From: Eugene Cheston <gene.cheston@gmail.com>

Billy is on the right track and, BTW so are the Goodyears. Caring about others or words that have a similar meaning is what the great thinkers over the ages espoused as being the path to happiness. Said simply, making OTHER PEOPLE happy is the path to achieving our own happiness. Serving self is a ubiquitous reality, however in spite of what some may think, serving self is a path in the wrong direction-no question about. The more I learn about life, the more I seem to be able to navigate through complexity and onto fundamental truths-often expressed in those aphorisms I like so much.

Real treasure is not made of gold nor of substances that glitter; real treasure is created in the crucible of human relationships-Cheston

Compassion is always, at its most authentic, about a shift from self-preoccupation into a more expansive place of fellowship-author unknown

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile-Einstein

Our love, Elsie and Gene


Dear CHARLIE, Elsie and Gene,






Billy noticed a mountain with three peaks in Yosemite National Park last week. It reminded him instantly of his friendship with two friends. He emailed this photo below to Stephen and James with a note: “ Think of you. I just discovered THREE COMICS IN YOSEMITE. See photo.”

Stephen immediately checked various sources and discovered that it is actually a well known Yosemite destination called THE THREE BROTHERS. By one source, the background story was: “ Three native American brothers were frozen into stone by the Spirits for wandering into an unforbidden area”.

James commented: Wonderful photo of the “Monument to the Three Virtues. . . COMPASSION, EMPATHY, and FRIENDSHIP.” ( The topic the Three Friends – Stephen, James, and Billy – have recently been discussing.)

Billy acclaimed: “ You Got It, James !   Indeed, this is exactly how beautiful Yosemite National Park affected most of us who have visited there. I was overwhelmed by the magic of the sprouting and unstopping waterfalls with vapor spreading mysteriously, the gigantic and unshakable granite walls which seems to grow stronger and sturdier the longer I stare at them, the tall pines shooting perfectly straight towards the sky seems to gather in number as I try to count them, the placid water surfaces sometimes blue in color, sometimes green, sometimes black, can turn white as it becomes a roaring river pulled by gravity – hitting and diverting different obstructions along its way. It’s so magical.

But the important effect is not just Awe or a sense of Peace due to its Natural Beauty, however. The visitors interaction and goodwill spirit seems to grow in such surroundings.

Since 1890. Yosemite National Park has attracted millions of people from around the world to connect there and feel the common innate Goodness in Each and All of Us. This seems to promote Compassion.

Many of us, strangers, reach out to each other and have delightful conversations to discuss Beauty of Nature and learn more about each other’s personal experiences and different cultural backgrounds. Separate travelers often give each other a hand as needed – generously and caringly. We shared stories about struggles and accomplishments which can be both helpful and entertaining. This seems to promote Empathy.  

The planned trip and shared unique experience – physically demanding or moderate – definitely deepened the bonding among all of us. It’s Friendship and Feeling of Connectedness in the pursuit of Beauty, Joy, Meaning in Life together.


Let’s try to have the National Park Service change the name to “ Monument of The Three Virtues: Compassion, Empathy, and Friendship.”
