Words and actions to induce appreciation of Friendship for Preteens that will impact their long tern feelings and attitudes.


Fostering appreciation of friendship in preteens is essential for their emotional development and social skills. Here are some words and actions that can help instill this appreciation:

  1. Model Positive Relationships: Show preteens what healthy friendships look like through your own interactions with friends and loved ones. Be kind, supportive, and respectful in your relationships, and they’ll learn by example.
  2. Encourage Empathy: Teach preteens to understand and empathize with their friends’ feelings and perspectives. Help them recognize that everyone has their own challenges and experiences.
  3. Promote Communication: Encourage open and honest communication between friends. Teach them the importance of expressing themselves and listening to others without judgment.
  4. Celebrate Differences: Emphasize the value of diversity in friendships. Help preteens appreciate the unique qualities and interests of their friends, even if they differ from their own.
  5. Resolve Conflicts Peacefully: Teach preteens how to navigate conflicts in a constructive manner. Encourage them to communicate calmly, listen actively, and find compromises that benefit both parties.
  6. Acknowledge Acts of Kindness: Highlight and praise acts of kindness and support between friends. Whether it’s lending a listening ear or offering help with schoolwork, recognizing these gestures reinforces positive behavior.
  7. Create Opportunities for Connection: Facilitate opportunities for preteens to spend quality time with their friends, whether through playdates, group activities, or shared interests. These experiences strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.
  8. Encourage Gratitude: Foster a sense of gratitude for the friends in their lives. Prompt preteens to reflect on the positive qualities of their friends and express appreciation for their friendship.
  9. Lead by Encouragement, Not Control: Instead of dictating who they should be friends with or how they should act in their friendships, offer guidance and support. Help them navigate their friendships while allowing them to make their own choices and learn from their experiences.
  10. Be a Supportive Presence: Lastly, be there for preteens as they navigate the ups and downs of friendship. Offer a listening ear, words of encouragement, and a shoulder to lean on when needed. Knowing they have a supportive adult in their corner can make all the difference in their appreciation of friendship.


What specific words seem to enlighten them and make them feel good about themselves?


Specific words that can enlighten preteens and make them feel good about themselves include:

  1. Appreciation: Expressing gratitude for their efforts or qualities can boost their self-esteem. Saying things like “I appreciate your kindness” or “I’m grateful for your hard work” acknowledges their positive traits and actions.
  2. Encouragement: Using words of encouragement can motivate preteens to keep striving for their goals. Phrases like “You’re doing great” or “I believe in you” can instill confidence and inspire them to persevere.
  3. Validation: Validating their feelings and experiences can help preteens feel understood and accepted. Saying things like “It’s okay to feel that way” or “I understand why you’re upset” lets them know that their emotions are valid and worthy of acknowledgment.
  4. Compliments: Offering genuine compliments on their abilities, achievements, or personality traits can uplift preteens and boost their self-image. Whether it’s praising their creativity, intelligence, or sense of humor, positive feedback can reinforce their self-worth.
  5. Empowerment: Empowering preteens with affirming words can help them feel capable and confident. Phrases like “You have the strength to overcome challenges” or “You can achieve anything you set your mind to” encourage them to believe in themselves and their abilities.
  6. Inclusion: Making preteens feel included and valued can enhance their sense of belonging. Using inclusive language like “We’re glad to have you here” or “Your opinion matters to us” reinforces their importance within their social circles.
  7. Respect: Showing respect for their thoughts, opinions, and boundaries communicates that you value them as individuals. Saying things like “I respect your decision” or “Thank you for sharing your perspective” fosters mutual respect and trust.
  8. Affection: Expressing affection through words like “I love you” or “I care about you” can strengthen your bond with preteens and make them feel loved and cherished.
  9. Acknowledgment: Acknowledging their efforts, no matter how small, demonstrates that you notice and appreciate their contributions. Saying things like “I see how hard you’ve been working” or “You’re making progress” validates their efforts and encourages continued growth.
  10. Belief in Potential: Expressing belief in their potential can inspire preteens to strive for greatness. Phrases like “I know you can do amazing things” or “I have faith in your abilities” instill confidence and encourage them to pursue their dreams.


Please give examples on exactly what to say in each case.


Here are examples of what to say in each case:

  1. Appreciation: “Thank you for helping your friend when they needed it. Your kindness really made a difference.”
  2. Encouragement: “You’re doing a fantastic job on your project. Keep up the great work!”
  3. Validation: “It’s understandable that you feel frustrated. It’s okay to take a break and come back to it later.”
  4. Compliments: “Your artwork is incredible! You have such a talent for creativity.”
  5. Empowerment: “You have the skills and determination to overcome any challenge that comes your way.”
  6. Inclusion: “We’re so happy to have you as part of our group. Your perspective adds so much value to our discussions.”
  7. Respect: “I respect your decision not to participate in that activity. It’s important to honor your own boundaries.”
  8. Affection: “I love spending time with you. You bring so much joy into my life.”
  9. Acknowledgment: “I noticed how dedicated you’ve been to studying lately. Your hard work is paying off!”
  10. Belief in Potential: “I know you have the ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. I believe in you.”
