Words to Congratulate

Billy Selected From <Google.com> August, 2022

  • Congratulations! We’re so very proud of you!
  • Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success! You’re an inspiration!
  • Warmest congratulations on your achievement! Wishing you even more success in the future.

“You’ve worked so hard for this. Congrats!”

“This is awesome! You’re awesome! Way to go!”

“Congratulations to the new home owner! With your touch, it’s going to look amazing!”

“I want to be the first to congratulate you on your promotion,”

“Cheers on the new job. You deserve it.”

“Congratulations! I am happy for you.

You should be really happy and proud of your success.

Congratulations on getting promoted! You are such an inspiration, and I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished


WHAT BUILDS TRUST ? – Billy Googled 

Building trust doesn’t happen overnight . When it comes to building trust, try to keep a long-term approach. Be honest, honor your commitments, admit when you’re wrong, and you’ll be well on your way to being seen as a trustworthy person.

Core elements needed to start the process to build trust:

Authenticity. Being authentic is about being real and truly yourself. …

Objectivity. Openness , Without prejudice, Fairness

Consistency.  Reliability, Even Tempered

Vulnerability.  Modesty, Empathy & Compassion

Communicativeness. Intelligence, Clarity & Inspiration

Ways that you can build trust within a team:

Provide opportunities to build Relationships and Trust among team members.

Offer networking opportunities for team members to share their capabilities.

Speak the truth, respectfully.

Highlight successes from Team work.

Encourage transparency. Give Credit when Credit is deserved.

Admit when you don’t know something.

Be honest and supportive. Helping others grow generates Trust.

Be quiet sometimes. Not overly and publicly critical.

Be consistent.

Model the behavior you seek.

Keep roles and responsibilities clear.

Build in accountability & sense of reliability.

Extend empathy to others.

Make feedback part of the culture.

Empower your team to be self-organized

GOOD FRIENDSHIP – from < https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-and-usage/words-that-describe-a-good-friendship.html >

Words That Describe a Good Friendship

Have you ever thought of what friendship really means? It is really hard to put into words. Friendships are mutually beneficial, meaning each of you get something out of the relationship. Friends are there when you need them, whether to comfort, support, congratulate, or just listen. Browse this list of words that describe a good friendship, or a true friendship.


Words to Describe Qualities of a Good Friend

When you think of how to describe your good friend, what words immediately come to mind? Explore adjectives to describe a friend for great ideas on how to talk about your BFF.

givinggood listenerhonest

Great Sayings About Friends

If you are composing a speech or writing a paper and need some sayings or quotes about friendship, consider these famous quotes.

  • “The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.” – Vincent van Gogh
  • “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust
  • “Friendship is a sheltering tree.” – Samuel Coleridge
  • “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen…A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.” – Rachel Naomi Remen
  • “Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” – Mark Twain
  • “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wise Words on Friendship From Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie wrote one of the first ever self-help books called How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1937. In the book, he explains how to handle people, make them like you, and how to influence them. He stresses the importance of:

  • not criticizing or complaining, but giving honest opinions
  • the need to smile, remembering their name, and being sincerely interested in people with whom you want to make friends
  • being a good listener, getting them to talk about themselves, and then continuing the conversation about things that interest them

These things make the other person feel important and that can be the beginning of a friendship.

Carnegie’s Tips on Making Friends

Dale Carnegie had many words that describe a good friendship and advice on making friends. He also shows the importance of a positive attitude, and that can help you make friends. Here is a sampling of his wisdom.

  • The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.
  • When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.
  • Do things for others and you’ll find your self-consciousness evaporating like morning dew.
  • You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.
  • When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.

Words for Friends

Talking about a good friend or friendship should be fun and inspiring. Now that you’ve got some great words to describe your best friendships, learn words to show your appreciation for those important people.

Michele Meleen – Staff Editor, Your Dictionary.Com



from < https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/style-and-usage/words-that-describe-a-good-friendship.html > -Staff Editor Michele Meleen

Examples of Words of Appreciation

Who doesn’t like to hear a “Thank you” or “I appreciate you” every now and then? Whether you’re thanking someone for a gift or favor or just for being a good friend, words of appreciation are always appreciated! Sometimes, however, it’s hard to know what to say. Luckily, we’ve got your back. From short and sweet messages to longer phrases of appreciation, here’s how to express gratitude anytime, anywhere.

Common Words of Appreciation

You don’t have to give a big speech or write a long thank you letter to let someone know you appreciate them. Sometimes short is sweet.

·  Thanks.

·  Thank you.

·  I am indebted to you.

·  Dinner was delicious.

·  I appreciate you.

·  You are an inspiration.

·  I am grateful to/for you.

·  You are a blessing.

·  You are a true friend.

·  You’re so great.

·  This is great.

·  You light up my life.

·  My sincere thanks.

·  You’re the best.

·  You make me happy.

·  You’ve been very helpful.

Common Appreciation Sayings

If you’d like to say more than three or four words of appreciation, these phrases help make your sentiments feel more powerful. 

  • I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I hope I never have to find out!
  • I only hope I’m able to someday give back to you what you’ve given to me.
  • “Thank you” doesn’t feel like enough, but it truly sums up how I feel. I’m so thankful for what you’ve done.
  • Your thoughtfulness has not gone unnoticed. It will stay with me forever.
  • The world is lucky to have someone like you, who is always there for others.
  • Beyond the word “thanks,” I hope you’ll feel my gratitude and appreciation for a very long time.
  • You deserve recognition for the kindness you’ve shown me.
  • My heart and soul are forever indebted to you. Thanks for being awesome.
  • I wish you could feel the gratitude I’m feeling right now.
  • I appreciate your thoughts and actions. It’s not every day I get to experience such kindness.

Words of Appreciation for Gifts

People always appreciate it when you take the time to thank them for a gift, especially if they didn’t get to see you open it.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

·  You are one of the most generous people I know.

·  Are there no limits to your generosity?

·  You are so thoughtful and generous in your gift giving.

·  Thank you for the delightful gift.

·  You must have read my mind because your gift is exactly what I wanted.

·  You picked the perfect gift for me.

·  Thanks for being so thoughtful.

·  Your gift means a lot to me.

·  If you could see my face right now, you’d see a look of gratitude.

·  Thank you for showering me with gifts for the baby.

·  You made my birthday a special day.

·  I am grateful for you and your generosity.

·  Thanks for thinking of me; you made my day.

Words of Appreciation for Help & Support

For someone who has been there for you or encouraged you during a difficult time, a message of gratitude is a great way to thank them.

·  How can we ever thank you enough for all you’ve done? We’re forever grateful.

·  You helped me right when I needed help most.

·  If anyone deserves thanks, it’s you.

·  I really appreciate your support in this endeavor.

·  You have been extremely supportive through this difficult time. I could not have gotten through it without you.

·  We must thank you for your support at this time.

·  I want to thank you for all the support and concern.

·  That was very kind of you. How can I ever repay you?

·  Your support has made me a stronger person and I will forever be grateful.

·  Thank you for always being there for me.

·  Taking the time to help me was a very nice thing for you to do. Thanks so much.

·  Thank you for thinking of me and taking the time to be kind.

·  You are the most beautiful and wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so lucky!

Words of Appreciation in the Workplace

To help keep things positive in the workplace, a few words of thanks or support can make employees feel appreciated and valued.

You are a great employee and a positive force around the office.

·  I want to acknowledge everyone’s extra effort.

·  You did an excellent job on that report.

·  I want to thank you publicly for your hard work and dedication.

·  Your attitude and work level suit us here, so keep up the good work!

·  Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me.

·  You have been a valuable member of our team.

·  Thank you for giving me the chance to fulfill my potential here.

·  Your commitment to this project is second to none.

·  I appreciate you supporting me at the meeting.

·  You have a winner’s attitude.

·  Thank you for sharing your vision.

·  Your commitment to excellence has inspired others.

·  We appreciate your innovative thinking.

·  Your attention to detail puts you at the top.

·  Thank you for taking the initiative and getting it done.

Show Your Appreciation

Showing appreciation through words in cards, texts, social media posts, or face-to-face conversations can turn someone’s day around. Find the right way to say thanks to everyone in your life.



by jgl – 12 July 2022

The Universe is totally orderly. It’s ruled by the laws of physics…many of which we know,

even though many of the details remain a mystery. One of these basic laws is entropy…in nature all systems break down. That is the natural order of things. It’s a plodding, predictable process. The explosion of a supernova may look chaotic, but it isn’t. However, a human sitting quietly on a chair is a seething cauldron of contradictory, living, biochemical activity in contrast to the comparatively sedate, inanimate supernova.

          Life is chaos. Life is the only disorderly system in the universe.  It actively fights against entropy. Take our immune system, for instance. Life tries to repair itself.  Life also actively tries to replicate itself with thousands of genes per species genome. Volcanoes, tectonic plates, solar flares, and galaxies do not try to either repair or replicate themselves.  They simply disintegrate without complaint.

          Living organisms comprise an infinitesimally tiny percentage of the mass of the Universe and contain perhaps even a smaller percentage of the energy of the universe.  If the mass and energy of living organisms on Earth were spread out uniformly even in just our tiny solar system, they would be undetectable…unlike those distant, cold asteroids in the Kuiper Belt. Thus, we have no idea how common life may be in the universe. All we do know is that there doesn’t seem to be any lurking around us anywhere within many light years .

          These observations help us understand why our lives, towns, countries, and cultures are so desperately chaotic.  The most chaotic substance in our solar system is packed into a space that’s 36 billion times smaller than our solar system and 330,000 times smaller even than our Sun.

            Let us not wonder why our lives and cultures are such a living mess. Let’s just all be very glad that they aren’t worse. Better yet, encourage the only three elements in our natures that can turn down the chaosEmpathy, Reason, and Humanism.  All other human mental processes add substantially to the chaos. Do not do unto your neighbors that which you would want done unto yourself. Rather, do unto your neighbors that which they would want done unto themselves.  This caveat does not apply, of course, if your neighbor is a masochist or psychopath or is otherwise mentally befuddled. Then you must apply Empathy, Reason, and Humanism to determine what is best for that person. If you’re not sure… don’t do anything. As Hippocrates said: “The first principle is to do no harm”.



I deeply appreciate this “Cup of Wisdom” from my dear friend “jgl”. We basically think alike. While I promote “BE NICE ME. NO HURT EACH OTHER”. (See recent post: “TWO PLUS YEARS OF FRIENDSHIPOLOGY – WHAT HAVE I LEARNED?”), he quotes Hippocrates’ “THE FIRST PRINCIPLE IS TO DO NO HARM.” CHEERS !



By Billy Lee – July 2022

Be Nice Me,  for I really like to be Your Friend.

Be Nice Me,  for you surely want me to Be Nice You.

Teachers teach us to Be Nice to Each Other, to Everyone, even Those who aren’t nice

I will Be Nice You, for  I really like to be Your Friend.

Don’t hurt me, for it hurts when you take my toys and sometimes break them.

It really hurts when you ignore me or tell me that I’m no good.

It takes away all Trust when you tell others lies about me.

Please don’t force me to dislike someone else who actually has been nice to me.

Be Nice Me for we can share Joy & Fun.

Be Nice Me,  for we can build sandcastles together, and we can paint together and give our best drawings to please our grandmothers or Nai Nais.

Cheers !  Let’s All Just Be Nice.


By Billy Lee – Feb. 2022

A recent post, “ It Takes Character To Apologize After 70+ Years” taught me a lesson and made me feeling more Hopeful & Encouraged. Yes, we have all made mistakes , but mistakes can be corrected. Feelings may have been hurt, but Good Feelings can be reinstated. Recognizing one’s own mistakes comes with experience and learning – sometimes enlightened by other people we trust. To apologize and offer amends shows maturity and indeed wisdom. Carrying a deep sense of guilt for any length of time is burdensome – not possibly enjoyable.

Sometimes we have hurt people without knowing so. Sometimes even good intentions bring unintended and not very good results. Often we react too quickly and most of the time we don’t take time to choose the most appropriate way to respond.

Two weeks ago, as my two adult sons came to dinner, I learned from them something unbelievable about myself. “ Dad, you were really blunt and demeaning to your Architectural assistants, when you had your practice at home. We heard it all. It wasn’t just once or twice ! “

Wow, I couldn’t believe that I was so unkind, but I could not deny that I had reprimanded the young assistants often and emphatically to drill deep my complaints. I had yelled “Stupid ! Have you no brains ?” Truly, I thought I was doing them a favor, but I did not do it the right way. Truly, I did not intend to hurt them, but I should have realized that the way I treated them was insensitive and inconsiderate. It could have hurt deeply as my two adult sons now assured me. I truly need to apologize to my young assistants – sincerely, most regrettably – belately – now after 30+ years.

I have been on the receiving side myself. My French teacher had called me, “Impossible ! Imbecile !” in front of the class. My mother had given me “Chestnut strikes” on my head how many times I don’t remember. Certain schoolmates had taunted me because I was Chinese and I was skinny with yellow skin. Fortunately, I am not a grudgingly sensitive person. I never considered myself a victim, and I found wonderful qualities from the same people after we got to know each other better.
Being kind of naïve is my real blessing. Forgiveness just comes naturally for me. It has served me well. Indeed, in today’s world we really need more tolerance and forgiveness. Apologies are not effective if the other side is not willing to forgive. Apologies surely will not be accepted if there is no trust in its sincerity.

Indeed, I must thank my nurse maid who told me about Guan Yin (觀音) , the Goddess of Mercy , when I was a child in China.


To Promote Friendship be a Friend 君子之交

10″ DOS” reach out & Be A Friend         交好友的十条

Be joyful & encouraging                  要快乐和鼓舞

Be trustworthy & reliable                 要忠诚和信赖

Be open & tolerant                      要坦诚和容忍

Be patient & calm                      要耐心和平静

Be considerate & respectful              要理解和尊重

Be humble & willing to apologize          要谦恭和乐于抱歉

Be caring & engaging                    要关心和奉献

Be sincere & loyal                      要真诚和忠心

Be smart but also kind                  要精明和和蔼

Be generous ,unselfish, & willing to forgive  要宽宏大量和无私, 原谅

10 “DON’TS” stirring up fear, suspicion, anger, & resentment  交友应避免的十条

DON’T be indifferent, passive & not caring          不要不感兴趣,被动和不关心

DON’T be self-righteous, arrogant & demeaning     不要狂妄自大 和 贬低, 贬损

DON’T be disrespectful and inflexible              不要不尊重和固执

DON’T be humorous while hurting other’s pride    不要因幽默而损害他人的自尊

DON’T be a bully  (only feared but never loved)       不要 恃强凌弱 以大欺小

DON’T be carelessly critical & insulting             不要漫不经心的批评和侮辱

DON’T be pretentious or cynical                  不要自命不凡和冷嘲热讽

DON’T expect others to change instantly         不要期望他人即刻改变

DON’T expect others to agree on everything      不要期望他人同意所有的事情

DON’T let a small difference turn into hatred   不要因一点小小的分歧而变为憎恨

Billy Lee’s Friendship Fan   Designed with help from Allan Chou



Classmate George wrote to fellow classmate Walter::

Dear Walter,
Billy copied me on your email information about Andover’s motto: “NON SIBI”.                                  I Ihave lived since Andover with the guilt of my reprehensible behavior Lower year in Salisbury house. Thanks to Billy, I have a chance to apologize. No excuses! I’m sure Suds would join me.

We were so full of ourselves, there was little room on several occasions, to act in what became and was and is, civil and friendly behavior. I’ve lived with the guilt ever since.
Your story parallels the history of other classmates. Believe it or not, I’m a published author as of 2015, a far cry from my interest back then.
I understand completely the reason we have lost contact. I hope it’s not too late to make amends.
I’m attaching “Some Enchanted Afternoon”. We are living in Essex, Ct.

Walter replied:

Dear George:  Your memory is better than mine. I remember there was something in Salisbury House, but that’s all: details rubbed away. 
I do remember that Bob Thompson lived across the hall from me that year at Andover; for many of the years I’ve been at Yale, he was master of Tim. Dwight College, one block away from my house. Our paths very occasionally crossed. RIP. You can catch up with me in Wikipedia.  No amends needed.

Best regards,  Walter
