Butterfly or Firefly: What’s Your Friendship Style? Take The Quiz – by Catherine Pearson – illustration by Anna Parini – NEW YORK TIMES – June 9,2024

An illustration of a person with a butterfly on their hand, a person holding flowers in front of their face, a person looking down at a jar with a firefly in it, and a person watering a small evergreen tree.

Welcome to Well’s 5-day Friendship Challenge! Step one is to discover your friendship style. Do you like to plumb the depths of a new acquaintance’s soul? Or are you surprisingly skilled at small talk? We all need so Welcome to Well’s 5-day Friendship Challenge! Step one is to discover your friendship style. Do you like to plumb the depths of a new acquaintance’s soul? Or are you surprisingly skilled at small talk? We all need social connection, but we thrive in different ways.

So we partnered with Kasley Killam, a social scientist and author of the new book “The Art and Science of Connection,” to develop this quiz
