ICAF’s 5th World Children’s Festival 2-4 July 2015 – The National Mall, Washington D.C.

July 2015 , Stephen Smuin, Chris Fiorentini, and myself were invited to participate at ICAF’s 5th World Children’s Festival held at Wahington DC National Mall. We were to conduct a work shop on FRIENDSHIP or simply GOOD FEELINGS. On this weekend celebrating America’s Independence we were going to introduce the significance of Global Friendship and Interdependence.

Dr. Ashfaq Ishfaq who founded ICFA ( International Child Art Foundation ) in Washington DC in April 1997. Came from a privileged family in Pakistan, he received an excellent education in a country where poverty was prevalent, and his early experiences made him aware of the stark inequalities around him which sparked his deep interest in  addressing social issues. After moving to the U.S. to study economics, he worked at the World Bank. However, he came to realize that economic solutions alone were insufficient  to tackle deep rooted problems.

His’s “Ah Ha” moment in founding the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF) came when he was involved in the research that identified a “creativity slump in  U.S. fourth-graders”- led by psychologist E. Paul Torrance. This discovery showed him that schools were failing to inspire and motivate children creatively around that age. He realized that addressing this decline could help children develop empathy and creativity, which are critical for solving social challenges. This epiphany pushed him to shift focus from economic solutions to nurturing creativity and empathy through art programs for children.

Ishaq struggled initially to secure funding for the foundation, as many people were hesitant to support a grand cause centered on children’s art. This difficulty in acquiring financial backing highlights the challenges he faced in convincing potential supporters of the value of creativity in children. While I do not know who were his initial enablers, I have heard that Mrs. Rosaline Carter ( wife of President Jimmy Carter ), was an avid supporter of ICAF, and. ICAF  activities eventually gained recognition, including partnerships with various institutions, such as the World Bank for Disaster Recovery Project. ICAF’s flagship “Arts Olympiad Program ”  also gained recognition from U.S. Olympic Committee.

ICAF’s ChildArt Magazine Project is presently gaining momentum and making a significant impact globally. The magazine, which has been published quarterly since 1998, is dedicated to fostering creativity, self-discovery, and global education in young readers. It features themes that engage children in critical thinking and empathy, such as creativity, human security, and mindfulness. With nearly one million readers globally, including children, parents, and educators, ChildArt  has now become an unique and influential platform for young creative youths.

Recent issues, such as one focusing on neuroaesthetics in collaboration with the International Arts + Mind Lab, have explored cutting-edge intersections between art and brain science. These efforts underscore the magazine’s broad appeal and potential for future growth. ChildArt  provides a valuable educational tool, and its role in shaping young minds seems set to expand as arts education becomes increasingly recognized for its role in social, emotional, and cognitive development.

As the magazine continues to innovate with themes that resonate globally, it is poised for further success, especially as more educators and institutions recognize the power of arts in fostering creativity and empathy among children.

D. Paul Schafer, founder and director, World Culture Project wrote the following about Dr.Ishfaq :

 “ I have worked in the arts and cultural field for more than fifty years and have the greatest admiration for Ashfaq Ishaq and the remarkable role he has played in providing children from all part of the world with opportunities to enjoy the arts and athletics in real terms and learn from them what is of quintessential importance in the development of their lives and personalities as well as all the creativity, happiness, and fulfilment that can be derived from this. As a result of his tenacious commitment to the creation and development of the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF), countless children throughout the world are able to look to the future with optimism, enthusiasm, and excitement rather than pessimism, anxiety, and apprehension. Very few organizations in the world are able to match this, which is a tribute to Ashfaq’s fortitude, vision, and ability to produce concrete results under very difficult circumstances for future generations of our children when it counts the most.”

I consider Dr. Ishfaq my mentor even though he is much younger than I. As an avid member of USCPFA ( US-China People’s Friendship Association) I sincerely hope that China will support his Project which indeed is a project for Long-term Global Peace, Joy, and Friendship. I also hope that my personal friends will check out < > and help support and sustain Dr. Ishfaq’s amazing efforts and achievements.

In 2014, Billy introduced Dr. Ishfaq to Mr. Yang Jie Chi. China’s Ambassdor to U.S., at the 1990 Institute sponsored “Chinese Children’s Art on Environment Exhibit” in Washington D.C..
