Billy’s Comment: ” Indeed, True Friendship Can Not Exist Or Last Without Love. Though Love Sometimes Lingers When Friendship Stops
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Billy’s Comment: ” Indeed, True Friendship Can Not Exist Or Last Without Love. Though Love Sometimes Lingers When Friendship Stops
Thanks to Catherine Zhao for the translation
Friends are like the sun, moon and stars in the sky,
Popular in thousands of miles, glorious world;
Friends are like food, clothing and transportation
It’s hard to let go, always in your life.
Some people complain that friends are changing all the time without prediction;
Some people lamented that friends are difficult to find like rain reaches the ground.
Maybe the problem is not with friends,
But in understanding friends, we will understand friendship.
Friendship should be a gift from the snow,
Concerned about the other party’s cold and warm, even if rain and snow are one after another;
Friendship, you must be inseparable,
Cherish the old feelings of the past, the water of Taohua Lake is deep
Mutual aid without affection,
that was like a trade and will only be warm for a while.
Lack of trust,
Like political games, relationships rise and fall with power.
This is a world of mutual benefit,
Don’t blame people for being indifferent.
This is a society that values people’s hearts,
Who really takes fair-weather friends seriously?
Exchange is exchange, the heart is the heart,
Long-term love, long-term love, deep water…
Friends cannot be found by one-way,
Strengthen yourself to attract others
Friends are not for usefulness,
Glowing by yourself, shining around to warm others.
The friend is a pot of old wine,
Long-term emotions, strong and deep;
Friends are auspicious clouds,
Everyone usually attends, and sows in the drought.
Friends don’t need to be decorated with good words,
A few small things can be understood.
Friends can simply turn enemies into friends,
Let smart people become sincere.
Where are your friends?
Sediment is the benefit,
After filtering the left is sincere.
Hope you are doing well,
and find your soulmate friend.
So far, I have collected many BEAUTIFUL STORIES about FRIENDSHIP AND FRIENDSHIPOLOGY for my websites, but very few SAD or VERY UNFORTUNATE ones. I decided today to write about a true story belonging to the latter category.
This story is about two old friends ( both deceased now ) who came to America from Shanghai, China, to pursue their Western Education. They were about the same age, rich, handsome, and suave. They joined an elitist Chinese Fraternity and were very popular with their women friends. So many wonderful times they had together, double-dating as well as leading various faternity’s social and philantropical activities together. They considered each other Best Friends.
After graduate schools, the one from Wharton, stayed on in New York City and did well in Finance. The other became an eminent professor in the Mid West. Both got married and had happy families and professional careers. They kept in touch and met fairly regularly at their fraternity reunions etc..
Much later, both in their late seventies, they migrated to the S.F. South Bay. Single now, the finance fellow had an apartment near San Jose. The professor and his wife had a nice house near Stanford University. They were delighted to live not huge distance from each other any more, but the half hour drive between them still made it difficult for them to see each other often – especially since the finance fellow no longer drived.
So here is the story. The Finance Fellow was flying back from a long trip from Hong Kong. The professor went to pick up his friend from S.F. Airport then delivered him back to the San Jose apartment . After entering the apartment, the Finance fellow immediately went up to his second floor bedroom. He said he was exhausted. The professor was also exhausted from driving, so he plopped down in the living room sofa and turned on the TV to relax a bit. His hearing was not good so he turned the volume on really high.
The old friend from the second floor was furious because the loud TV was disturbing. He bluntly reprimanded the professor, ” How can you be so inconsiderate ? “. The professor was not at all happy about that. He instantly got up to leave, complaining “How can you be so ungrateful for all I have just done for you ? They parted angry at each other. Due to various reasons they never apologized to each other. That was the end of their Old Friendship. It’s so sad and truly unfortunate.
The lesson I learned is that when people are tired they are often not at their best. We need to be more forgiving. Also, I really feel guilty myself for not having tried harder to help them regain their good feelings for one another. In such cases the third mutual friend should really do more to help out.
Thank you for inviting me to say something about FRIENDSHIP. I shall say what I feel most acutely in meeting people cross-cultural, and making friends, especially around Stanford Campus in recent years.
There is a paranoia about Chinese women, as though we were thieves, whores, and hookers, that would steal men away. I was personally insulted a couple of times.
Once at an academic seminar on Chinese American immigrant history, I was properly introduced to a faculty working on the Railroad Project. When I informed him that the Northern California Chinese Community Railroad Project would host a gala in SF in a couple of weeks, celebrating Chinese contribution to the construction of railroad, this white male immediately turned his back, and said to me, “Oh, my wife has a surgery. ” Then he immediately walked away.
Does he think of me inviting him to dance, or for a date? Stupid swine!
When I confided to a white woman friend, she explained to me why people have such paranoias. Her high school lover and husband over twenty years went to work in Hong Kong, fell in love with a Chinese woman. Only a few months later, he came back asking the wife for a divorce. Now she was left alone. “Chinese women are real horrors.” I was sympathetic. After all, she was a Stanford woman, able to tell the difference to trust me with her story.
In American society male and female relationships are often sexually interpreted. It’s not the same in China. Sexual harassment is not a widespread social problem there.I taught in China in recent decades. In Chinese society, I could invite a male colleague or graduate student out to dinner without his wife. It is perfectly normal. There is no sexual expectation.
Students are very close to their professors, like their children, friends and families. Men and women could be close friends for years without sexual involvement.
The wives wouldn’t feel insecure unless the husband did not come home after ten or eleven o’clock. Women were expected to manage their own men, and respect other women. Fighting with another woman out of jealousy is considered bad manner, disgrace, lost of control, failure of her management. That is why many Chinese women disrespect Hilary Clinton, who failed to manage her own man. How could she manage a country?
I was raised in China after Women’s Liberation. In my time, mostly men went after women, not vice versa. To suggest for a woman to approach, flirt, or seduce a man truly makes her “cheap”, losing respect in public eye. Therefore, it is degrading, humiliating, and insulting even to suggest the woman is plotting after a man. Indeed, when the Concerned Asian Scholars Delegates came to visit China in 1970s, they reported in a book, “Inside China”, that women’s status in my hometown was first rate in the world.
Of course things changed in recent decades, but this was only because contemporary women in China blindly imitated Hollywood culture. In the meanwhile, isn’t the “success” of American feminist agenda to “Engender China by sexual revolution in Western style” that have brought such changes—creating alienation between men and women at the same time ? That has liberated “ Chinese female sexuality ” in Hollywood style? And that has reduced our status to the stereotypes of thieves, whores and hookers?
In this Age of Corruption, academic whores are everywhere, I have seen, on and off campus, inside and outside of office. Some were Asian, some black, white, hispanic. . .not all Chinese, please. Not me, at least. True Friendship is possible only when men are liberated from Orientalist fantasy, and women are cured of “penis envy.”
JENNIE WANG PH.D. Professor of English, Independent Thinker, Scholar, and Critic; Author of Novelistic Love in the Platonic Tradition, The Iron Curtain of Language; Editor of Querying the Genealogy, China Men’s American Dreams; and numerous academic articles on Postmodern Fiction, Transnational Studies in Chinese American Literature. After her retirement, she continued to write, and published two memoirs–The Education of Jennie Wang (2015) and License Plate Number One (2018). She received an Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award for “career longevity and demonstrated unwavering excellence in her chosen field” in 2018. Her books are available at
A Collection of hard hitting, humorous comments…
*”In my many years I have come to a conclusion, … that one useless man is
a shame, two [useless men] is a law firm and three or more [useless men] is
a government.”*
~John Adams
*”If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the
newspaper, you are misinformed.”*
~George Bernard Shaw
*”Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in
rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”*
~ Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University
*”Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car
keys to teenage boys.”*
~P.J. O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian
*”Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics
won’t take an interest in you!”
~ Ronald Reagan
*”The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the
taxidermist leaves the skin.”*
~Mark Twain
*”What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.”*
~Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
*”A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough
to take everything you have.”*
~Thomas Jefferson
*”We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”*
– Aesop
IN ANTICIPATION – ( another article for your friendship website )
As the days and weeks lie ahead, we are anticipating that the lifting of the lockdown can’t come soon enough. I’m a bit tired of the confinement plus, I need a hair-cut badly. Our venturing out would be dramatically different than what we could ever have imagined just 3 months earlier.
The New Normal
After 3+ months within the confines of our homes, we will shortly venture out of our protected cocoons. Will we all function as before? I have always been quick to greet and extend shakes with others, particularly with my students. Each of us will be behind virus protected N95 masks, where smiles will partly shield our enthusiasm with each encounter. Do we greet each other with elbow bumps now that the proverbial handshakes are taboo? How about the enduring embrace?
Let’s step back and examine the pre-Covid 19 days. The word, social distancing, didn’t exist at least not in the context of today. Perhaps it did for others previously too, who didn’t want to share their world’s with ours. The ease of befriending someone certainly was easier back then. How about coffee or lunch sometime? Our smile and handshake reaffirms our sincerity. Facial expressions now hidden behind our masks, could connections still be made? Post Covid 19, are we to be leery of others particularly in making new friends? Can we trust others even if both parties have been tested negative? Has our society erected a shield that makes it impenetrable to meet others and making new friendships? It will certainly be a challenge and we must extend ourselves even more than before.
A Brave New World
My Conversational English classes previously have been populated with students from all corners of this planet. The union and blending of each rich culture meshed nicely with our American ideologies, makes for a bright future. I’ve always consider my classes as the sharing of ideas and the love for one another. These thoughts are paramount for me. My legacy is to leave my class and this world happier, always with a sense of hope. Whenever the school year resumes again, I will as always explain the virtues of love and the caring for all.
During the last several months, we found how fractured we are as a society and the depth of the financial divide amongst us. Even more so now is the need for unity. To coexist in this world, we depend on one another. After each of my sessions, I will continue to say, “be good to someone new and love those who are close to you”. Then off to lunch at a nearby restaurant for eats, treats and more stories. Creating the environment of caring and love must be nourished by all of us. The enrichment by all is what makes our world a better place. This can be achieved mainly by making friends.
Will my students return and will new ones attend? I’m looking forward to the Brave New World and what it brings.
‘Every day is unique and special’
Koo helped found Self-Help for the Elderly’s San Mateo senior center. During our present Coronavirus Epidemic, Self-Help has closed their physical spaces, but they still deliver food to those who need it. And they offer Connection From a Distance. Koo and eight (or so) others have split the duty of calling 1,000 of the center’s users. They have another 100 to go. They speak to them in Mandarin or Cantonese or English. “Mostly they appreciate someone calling them. I tell them this all will pass, and we can come back to the senior center again. Something to look forward to.”
Roz is also Co-Founder of the The 1990 Institute <>
January 13, 2019: We found a delightful breakfast place in downtown Leesville, always an encouraging way to start the day. The people were friendly, the food was good, and we were given helpful directions for finding accessible sections of the national forest. Of course, we had checked e-bird for locations where Red-cockaded Woodpeckers had recently been seen, but we knew we were in for a long search. The forest roads led in all directions and appropriate habitat seemed to be everywhere. We explored for most of the morning without any success. Eventually, we decided to try a change of scenery and headed off to the Dove Field Recreation Area, a large wildlife management area of open fields, known to be especially good for raptors and sparrows. We got there around 1:00 in the afternoon and in a little over an hour mustered up 14 species. Among them, were an immature Northern Harrier, 2 American Kestrels, 2 Savannah Sparrows and at least 15 Chipping Sparrows. The habitat was so enticing, however, that we resolved to come back the next morning if we had time.
We started back to the piney woods to try again for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker. On the way, in the small town of Fullerton, we chanced upon a flurry of bird activity. There was a field separated from the road by a wall or some kind of fence. There were two or three small trees in the field close to the fence. Some woods ran along one side of the field. We pulled over to the side of the road and parked. In the space of ten minutes, we found 3 Turkey Vultures, one Red-shouldered Hawk, an American Kestrel, a Pileated Woodpecker, 2 Eastern Phoebes, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 2 Eastern Bluebirds and an estimated 20 American Robins. It was one of those unanticipated moments of excitement that birdwatchers love.
We proceeded on to the national forest to renew our search for the elusive Red-cockaded Woodpecker. This time we were successful. My checklist gives the time as 3:55 PM and the location as the Calcasieu Ranger District (Vernon Unit) of the Kisatchie National Forest. I doubt I could find the exact location again, even with the help of a map and a compass. The forest in this area is carefully managed to preserve the Longleaf Pines so favored by our target bird. The woods stretch on for many miles. Clumps of marked nest trees beckon in all directions. It was just a matter of time before we would encounter foraging birds. I think it might have been the robins and bluebirds that first caught our attention. These species are often found in open pine woods with grassy undergrowth. Perhaps it was the Pine Warblers and the more numerous Yellow-rumped Warblers. In any case, presently Pat spotted (or heard) woodpeckers. Adrenalin started flowing, my aging legs started creaking. Pat was shouting, I was stumbling. Eventually, I got two birds in my binoculars. I could see the broad white cheek patch and the barred black and white back. Years ago, when I first found these birds in Florida, I did so with coolness and confidence. Today, it was a desperate struggle with age. Our checklist totals tell the full story: 15 American Robins, 4 Eastern Bluebirds, 12 Yellow-rumped Warblers, 2 Pine Warblers, and 2 Red-cockaded Woodpeckers.
Nona Mock Wyman was only 2 years old when she was abandoned at the Ming Quong orphanage in Los Gatos in 1935. One of her earliest memories is watching her mother walk out the door and never return. While she will never forget the pain of that loss, Wyman is a survivor. She has authored four books : Chopstick Childhood in a Tow 1997 – Bamboo Women 2012 – Ten Thousand Flowers 2015 – Chopstick Childhood 2018. She has kept in touch with her friends. _________________________________________________________
Billy : I started website <> presenting articles shining light on various aspects of Friendship & Friendshipology. Would love to have a brief article from you, Nona, on how you keep in touch with your childhood friends etc. etc.. RSVP Cheers !
Nina : seems the way I correspond w/Ming Quong ‘girls’ is –‘from the heart.’ what speaks 2 me, I forward; 4 example, Elena’s letter reignites, as she is a dedicated, respectful person; plus I’m aware of Maeley Tom –so forward to my MQ alumnis. running MQ store, I c more people, so that helps ! after writing 4 books & newsletters to my customers we connected
Nona Mock Wyman
Ming Quong — Radiant Light
1517 1/2 North Main St
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
11-6, Mon-Sat
Nona- (925)939-8346
There was a story about a Chinese farmer in the Sung dynasty. He had to carry water daily from the near by river to his house. He had two barrels to catch the water and then carry it home with a pole on his shoulder. The trouble was that one of the barrels had a slow leak so that half of the water was gone when he got home. He tried to fix it but was not successful. As he did this task many times a day, he was very frustreated. After a few days, however, he noticed that flowers and grass began to glow on the path where the water was spilled. He switched the leaky barrel from side to side and created a beautiful pathway. What he did not know is that some of the flowers we see today may have come from the seeds of this farmer.
This is why I believe in the statement:
“What we do in life echoes in eternity, good or bad!”
Today, I want to share with you how people have helped me throughout my life.
When I came to California in 1950, to study in an aircraft mechanic school. I was a typical modern Chinese student. I worshipped science and considered all religions superstitions and crutches were for the weak. My major problem was that my dormitory did not serve food on Sundays. Since I had no means of transportation, I had to walk miles for food.
Then a gracious American lady, Mrs. Grannas, invited me, a stranger, to her home for Sunday dinner with her family. She first picked me up for church, and then we drove to her house for dinner. I did not become a Christian, but I did receive a “certificate of faithful attendance” from the church. I truly appreciated her kindness, and the Sunday dinners were heaven-sent.
Later that year at a Christmas party, she gave me a small Bible. I was very disappointed. I thought I at least rated a tie! For some strange reason, I kept the Bible with me, though I never read it. I am sure that she was disappointed with me, but six years later, God answered her prayers.
(When I finally did accept Christ, I wrote to Mrs. Grannas to thank her for her kindness many years ago. Unknown to me, she was facing a family crisis at the time and felt she was a failure. My letter encouraged her, and she went to the Philippines and helped run an orphanage! What she did there will echo in eternity! Blessings always boomerang! But I’m getting head of myself.)
My MIT Years
Even though I didn’t believe in God, by a strange change of destiny, I now call a miracle. I was accepted at MIT to study Aeronautics and Astronautics (now called Aerospace Engineering). I was again given a new tomorrow.
Throughout my first five years at MIT, (’51 to ‘56), I was a confirmed atheist. Many Christians tried to witness to me, but none succeeded. I was very 牙刷 (toothbrush – in Cantonese, it means one is a know-it-all, very proud of himself). I was also taught while I was in China, that a man should be 顶天立地 (standing on earth with head hitting the sky).
I was so excited when I arrived at MIT in 1951, I went to the book store (called the COOP) to buy my foot-long slide-rule. (Needed for all scientific calculations; there was no PC or iPad in those days). I clipped the slide-rule on my belt and felt like the newest gunslinger in town! Then the textbooks weighed heavily on my hand. I wondered how I could understand all that… well, one page at a time.
Since I have not taken a formal course in English, I always have problems in spelling and grammar. I wondered how I could complete with all those top students from all the high-class Prep schools.
Fortunately, I was introduced to the FF fraternity by brothers Larry Ho, Billy Lee and others. I got to know many senior brothers who help guided and encouraged me through the difficult times.
Throughout my first five years at MIT, I held true to my belief that science had all the answers. Many Christians have tried to influence me, but my ego was strong so none succeeded.
In the meantime, different people often gave help to me in my needy hours. I was surprised that most cared for me without demanding anything in return. I often wondered why.
To this day, I am particularly grateful to Mr. C. T. Loo, who provided the C. T. Loo Fellowship, which allowed me to finish my education.
During my senior year at MIT, I was involved in a minor traffic accident. Without legal representation, the other party’s lawyer literally took me by the feet and shook every penny out of me. I was totally broke. Without the fellowship, I would have had to drop out of school and work as an illegal immigrant!
Some people would say that I won that fellowship in fair competition with other applicants. Nevertheless, I’m truly thankful and indebted to someone—a total stranger —who was willing to give unselfishly of his own resources to empower a needy young man with a “new tomorrow.” Mr. Loo also helped many other students finished their education. Indeed, what he did in life, echoes in eternity!
In graduate school, I discovered a shocking truth: the more I learned, the more I realized that I do not know! Even today, each new discovery leads me to a deeper mystery.
Though science has made tremendous strides, we are usually stuck when we ask a few basic questions such as:
Q: Why is the grass green?
A: Because it contains chlorophyll.
Q: Why chlorophyll?
A: It is needed to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. It is part of our ecosystem.
Q: Why?
A: It just is.
After earning my master’s degree, I was offered an excellent job in the research department at Honeywell in the aeronautical division in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
For the first time, I had a good amount of money. I bought a new car, a new stereo system, a TV, a hunting rifle, a shotgun, and everything else a young bachelor would want (all on credit!).
I did well in my work. Yet, my life felt empty. Some unknown things were missing. I was challenged by these questions: What is truth? What makes something right or wrong? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? Is tomorrow just more food and drink and work? I felt like a person all dressed up with no place to go. I hunted for the answer to four important questions:
My Search for God
As I searched for the answers, I found Sir Isaac Newton was a great scientist and a devout Christian. He was an excellent, part-time preacher. Some people asked him, “Why, when faced with such a wonderful gospel message, do some people still reject God?”
He answered, “Sometimes I’ve absent-mindedly tried to light my candle with the extinguishing cover on. It wouldn’t work. It is not that the candle doesn’t work, but something I did blocked it from lighting.”
Everyone has his own blocker.
My ego was mine. With my education and intelligence, I proudly presumed my intellectual ability probably ranked in the top percentiles of the U.S., if not in the world. Yet the more I studied the beauty and design of nature, the more my own work shrank to insignificance. Being in awe of the complexity of nature, we’re faced with a great dilemma. To say that “nothing” or “time” alone has built the world takes a great deal of faith in “nothing”, a true superstition! (The second law of thermodynamics would also have to be thrown out!)
Many scientists believe we came from “the big bang”, a cosmic accident. But what caused the big bang? Where did all the hydrogen and gravity come from? My questions continued.
Looking at the beauty and wonders of nature, one must ask the question: Are these all evolve from nothing or by “intelligent design”.
Surprisingly, I was introduced to God through the study of babies. When I found God in 1956, I was a bachelor. An older engineer tried to witness to me. I again out-argued him. He threw a book at me and said: “If you are so smart, tell me how this is done!”
It was a book that presented pictures of a baby’s development from week to week prior to birth. Unfortunately, that old book can no longer be found, however, we can get some up to date pictures from Google. In the 9th week, the baby is fully formed, it weighs just one ounce!
From the study of biology, I knew about sperm and egg cells. Once they unite, the fertilized egg cell starts dividing the way all cells do. However, how did some of those cells become the liver, kidneys, brain, skin, and bones?
Furthermore, how does the baby know the correct areas to place these organs in the body and connected them, so they work together properly? Do you know that the baby’s heart starts beating at the fifth week after conception, and there’s no blood yet to pump? We did not know much about genes and DNA in 1956. Today we know much more about them, and yet the mystery deepens. (See “The Language of God” by Dr. Francis S. Collins. Director of NIH (National Institute of Health) – He turned from an atheist to a believer by studying the complexity of the human genes and DNA).
As a scientist and aircraft mechanic, I knew how to build an airplane. One must carefully design it, build the parts, and fit them together carefully. One must connect all the wirings and test them to make sure that they work together.
How does a baby know to do that? Some well-meaning Christian friend told me the Bible says: “We’re wonderfully made.” And then he quoted me the scripture: “For you (God) created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13. Ha! There must be a scientific answer.
After much study, I had to admit and said: Lord, “I surrender!” | |
I got off my high horse and opened my mind to studying the Bible. By chance, (now I call it Divine Providence), I was invited to a Chinese Christian Fellowship meeting by my friend Fred Shaw (Hsiao). CCF was started by an old widow, Mrs. Torjeson. Her husband, a missionary to China, was killed by the Japanese during World War II. Mrs. Torjeson single-handedly and successfully raised four small children while starting this organization. Though she was a slightly built, poor widow, she was a tower of strength. Largely through her efforts and love, and that of others in her organization, I was challenged with questions and found my answers in the Bible.
For example, I discovered my pride was a sin. Yes, I was like an ignorant, prideful man who refused any spiritual instruction, yet all the while, knowing deep down, I knew that I did not have the answers.
Someone once said that the Bible is an acronym for: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. Interesting!
Once I opened my mind and heart, I made my peace with God and started my spiritual journey and adventure. Countless Chinese students from the university also discovered Christianity at the same place. Truly, what Mrs. Torjeson did will echo loudly in eternity!
Recently, I took on an “Almost an Impossible Task”, that of trying to understand how our brain work?
Yes, our brain is one of the most studied subjects in the world. In recent years, we have developed tools that allow us to measure all the activities of the brain and know which part is responsible for what function, yet, we still don’t know how it works. For example: The brain weights less than 4 pounds and yet it uses 20% of our blood. It contains 100 billion neurons, one thousand trillion synapses, more than all the stars in our galaxy! How do they all fit into a 4 pound brain and worked together? Tell me if you can.
Here are a few simple examples:
1. Our amazing brain (mental integration )
Try this experiment with me: Turn on your TV set and watch a program. Now, block your right eye with a book held a few inches from the right eye that completely blocks out the TV images.
Now open both eyes, you can see right through the book! Amazing!! Now, with both eye open, you can also read the book! How? The brain can integrate and understand the information from both eyes and put the pictures together mentally. Incredible!
Now, try another experiment, put your opened hand in front of your nose and separate your two eyes. You see different pictures with each eye. Yet if you open both eyes, you see the whole picture as if the hand were not there. Amazing! This is called “mental integration.” Your brain or mind can put the two different pictures together as one! And you can judge distance (parallax) as well.
There is a movie called: “The Winning Team” starring Ronald Reagan, before he became our president. It is a story about the famous baseball pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander, he was doing very well until he got hit on the head by a baseball and experienced “double vision”. He lost his “mental integration”. He saw two pictures with his eyes and could no longer pitch. Fortunately, he regained his “mental integration” after some rests and was able to finish his wonderful career! If you have not seen this picture, get the DVD or watch it on You-tube. (Co-star with Doris Day!) Well worth watching!
2. Hunters and prey
Have you ever noticed that animals that are hunters have their eyes in front (e.g.: humans, Lions, tigers, dogs, eagles and owls), while the prey animals (cows horses, deer, birds have their eyes on the side of their heads.)
Side eye placement allows for greater peripheral or side vision. This enables the animal to see predators approaching from the side as well as from behind. That is why it is extremely hard to sneak up on a bird.
It is interesting to note that the birds can see everything (almost 360 degrees) via mental integration, but how do they judge distances? I saw a sparrow flying very fast toward a fence; I thought for sure it would hit it. Yet, when it got close, it flapped its wings backwards and stop and landed on the fence. How does a bird judge distance? Do you know?
Answer: It does this task by moving its head constantly from side to side or up and down to get depth perception. Amazing!
It is even more amazing to know that all that beautiful flying and coordinated maneuvers are done and controlled by electrical impulses from a little brain no bigger than a bean.
If you have interest in this area, please join me in this research. No one knows yet how our memory and creative thinking work. Share with me your findings. My email is Thank you!
Dr. Lee is a retired rocket scientist. He earned his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from MIT. He worked more than twenty years in the aerospace industry. He was also an engineering professor at the University of California at Irvine. He was listed in Who’s Who in the West 1970– 1971. He has served as chairman and CEO of several companies. He was elected as “Entrepreneur of the Year 2004” by the ABAOC. He wrote several motivational books: “Build the Rainbow of your success”; and many other books, His latest book is: “Building Smart Kids in Challenging Times” All are available in |