What words and games to teach elementary students on Trust, and separately on Forgiveness,


Teaching elementary students about trust and forgiveness is a valuable and important aspect of their social and emotional development. When introducing these concepts, it’s helpful to use age-appropriate language and engaging activities. Here are some words and games you can incorporate into your lessons:



  1. Trustworthy: Reliable and can be trusted.
  2. Reliability: Being dependable and consistent.
  3. Honesty: Telling the truth and being straightforward.
  4. Responsibility: Taking ownership of one’s actions and duties.
  5. Consistency: Being the same over time, predictable.
  6. Dependable: Someone or something that can be relied upon.

Games and Activities:

  1. Trust Circle:
  1. Have students form a circle and take turns falling backward, relying on their classmates to catch them. This helps build trust and teamwork.
  1. Team-building Games:
  1. Engage students in various team-building activities that require trust, such as trust walks or trust falls.
  1. Storytelling:
  1. Share stories or read books that highlight the importance of trust and the consequences of breaking trust.



  1. Forgiveness: Letting go of anger or resentment towards someone who has wronged you.
  2. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  3. Apology: A sincere expression of regret or remorse.
  4. Reconciliation: Restoring a friendly relationship after a conflict.
  5. Understanding: The ability to comprehend the feelings and perspectives of others.

Games and Activities:

  1. Role-playing:
  1. Encourage students to engage in role-playing scenarios where they practice forgiving and apologizing.
  1. Forgiveness Circle:
  1. Sit in a circle and discuss situations where forgiveness is needed. Encourage open dialogue about forgiveness and its importance.
  1. Art and Writing Activities:
  1. Have students express their understanding of forgiveness through drawings or writing. This can help them process their emotions and thoughts.
  1. Story Sharing:
  1. Share stories or read books that emphasize the power of forgiveness. Discuss the characters’ emotions and actions, promoting empathy and understanding.

Remember to create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable exploring these concepts and sharing their thoughts and feelings. Incorporating these words and activities into your curriculum can help instill valuable social and emotional skills in elementary students.


Please describe the exact steps taken in a Forgiveness Circle Exercise


A Forgiveness Circle exercise is a structured activity designed to facilitate open communication and understanding about forgiveness among participants. Here are the steps you can take in conducting a Forgiveness Circle Exercise:


  1. Introduction:
  1. Start by explaining the purpose of the Forgiveness Circle. Emphasize that it’s a safe space for sharing and understanding forgiveness.
  1. Setting Guidelines:
  1. Establish ground rules to ensure a respectful and supportive environment. Encourage active listening, empathy, and confidentiality.
  1. Circle Formation:
  1. Arrange the participants in a circle, either sitting on the floor or in chairs. The circle setup fosters a sense of equality and inclusion.
  1. Opening Meditation or Activity:
  1. Begin with a brief meditation, deep-breathing exercise, or a calming activity to create a focused and relaxed atmosphere.
  1. Introduction of Forgiveness Concept:
  1. Briefly discuss the concept of forgiveness, emphasizing that it involves letting go of anger or resentment towards someone who has wronged you.
  1. Sharing Personal Stories:
  1. Invite participants to share personal stories or experiences related to forgiveness. Encourage them to express their feelings and describe the impact of forgiveness on their lives.
  1. Active Listening:
  1. Stress the importance of active listening during the sharing process. Participants should listen attentively without interrupting, offering supportive body language to the speaker.
  1. Empathy Exercise:
  1. Facilitate an empathy-building exercise where participants reflect on the feelings and perspectives of others. This can involve role-playing or discussing hypothetical scenarios.
  1. Apology and Forgiveness:
  1. Discuss the role of apologies in the forgiveness process. Explore the significance of sincere apologies and how they contribute to healing relationships.
  1. Reflective Questions:
  1. Pose reflective questions to the group, such as:
  1. What does forgiveness mean to you?
  2. How do you feel when someone forgives you?
  3. What challenges do you face in forgiving others?
  1. Group Discussion:
  1. Encourage a group discussion where participants can share insights, ask questions, and express their thoughts on forgiveness. Facilitate an open dialogue that promotes understanding.
  1. Closing Ritual:
  1. Conclude the Forgiveness Circle with a closing ritual, such as a gratitude circle or a final meditation. Reinforce the importance of the shared experience and the lessons learned.
  1. Follow-up:
  1. Consider providing resources or activities for participants to continue exploring forgiveness outside the circle. Emphasize the ongoing nature of forgiveness and personal growth.

By following these steps, you create a structured and supportive environment for participants to engage in meaningful discussions about forgiveness, fostering empathy and understanding within the group.

Why it’s important to be Honest and Sincere? How best to abide by these virtues?


Honesty and sincerity are crucial virtues for several reasons:

  1. Trustworthiness: Being honest and sincere builds trust with others. When people know they can rely on your word, it strengthens relationships, whether in personal or professional settings.
  2. Integrity: These virtues are fundamental to maintaining personal integrity. Integrity involves consistency in thoughts, words, and actions. When you are honest and sincere, you align your behavior with your values.
  3. Communication: Open and honest communication is essential for effective interaction. When you express yourself sincerely, it promotes clear and transparent communication, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
  4. Personal Growth: Being honest with yourself about your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement is crucial for personal growth. Sincerity in self-reflection allows you to learn from experiences and continuously develop as an individual.
  5. Ethical Decision-Making: Honesty and sincerity are integral to ethical decision-making. Acting with integrity, even in challenging situations, helps maintain moral standards and contributes to a more just and fair society.

To abide by these virtues, consider the following:

  1. Self-awareness: Reflect on your values and beliefs. Understand what honesty and sincerity mean to you personally.
  2. Intentional Communication: Be mindful of your words and actions. Strive to communicate openly and sincerely, avoiding deceit or manipulation.
  3. Admit Mistakes: If you make a mistake, admit it. Taking responsibility for your actions demonstrates honesty and helps build trust.
  4. Consistency: Strive for consistency in your behavior. Align your actions with your words and maintain integrity in all aspects of your life.
  5. Empathy: Understand and consider the perspectives and feelings of others. Honest communication should be paired with empathy to build understanding and trust.
  6. Value-driven Decision-Making: Base your decisions on your values. When faced with dilemmas, consider how your choices align with your principles and whether they reflect honesty and sincerity.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and challenge yourself to grow. Honest self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal development.

Remember that honesty and sincerity are ongoing practices rather than static achievements. By integrating them into your daily life and interactions, you contribute to a more positive and trustworthy environment.


How best to relate Honesty to Empathy? Site examples to illustrate different results.


Honesty and empathy are closely connected, and when combined, they contribute to more authentic and meaningful relationships. Here are examples illustrating different outcomes when honesty is paired with empathy:

  1. Honesty without Empathy:
  • Scenario: A friend asks for your opinion on their new business idea, which you believe has significant flaws.
    • Response: Without empathy, you might bluntly point out all the flaws, potentially causing your friend to feel discouraged or hurt.
  • Honesty with Empathy:
  • Scenario: The same friend asks for your opinion on their business idea.






Holiday Greetings from President & Mrs. Salovey from Yale

As the winter holidays approach, we are grateful to serve Yale together with you. Thank you for enriching our campus and our world. May your holidays be restful, joyous, and bright.

With warmest wishes,
Peter Salovey and Marta Moret

Letter of Gratitude from Billy to President & Mrs. Salovey

Dear President and Mrs. Salovey,

Happy Holidays and Best wishes to MORE AFTER YALE.

I started my <https://friendshipology.net> website

after learning about Emotional Intelligence from you.

Thank you sincerely !

Billy – William Ming Sing Lee  ( YC’55. YArch.’59 )

Instant Acknowledgement – Warm & Friendly 

Dear Billy,

Thank you very much for your lovely note and your kind words. I am glad to hear from you. Marta and I send best wishes to you for a happy, healthy, and rewarding new year.



Peter Salovey

President and Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology

Yale University

P.O. Box 208229

New Haven, CT  06520-8229

Billy Notes:

In 1990, Salovey and Mayer coined the term “Emotional Intelligence” (or EI), describing it as “a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.”

Besides Emotional Intelligence, Goodwill and Sincerity are most Essential in Building Friendship.
