” The drive, inspiring the mission of freelance travel-writer and photographer, stemmed from my desire to scout, embrace the beautiful pleats of the world and pass their fragrant intimacy in words and images … (So far, eyes and heart have embraced some 65 countries, their charm visualized in hundreds of reportings– photo essays, signed Amalia Pellegrini, full bred Italian heritage)
Along the way an accident drove photo-journalist Amalia to develop, embrace a new mission, with a new name: Amalia Dea Lencis.
It happened in Upper Egypt, at Karnak, by the Nile.
When taking pictures of Ramses Pharaoh’s temple, a fault in the camera Nikon F, caused the over-exposure of the films, hence useless for any magazine editor.
Nevertheless I did not throw the films away . Actually they inspired my 3rd eye to explore, one by one,
by hand-lens, the hundreds of over-exposed slides laid on the light-table.
Hence I started a challenging, intuitive multi hours HUNT… seeking, selecting, overlaying the slides .
I was emotionally over whelmed whenever the “match” ( just one slide over the other ! ) visualized a composition as an alchemic synthesis, an architecture of elements beyond imagination…
Actually a vision whose elements connect, entangle in a harmonious, unpredictable embrace..
Today artist Amaliaoverlays the photos of her digital camera with a digital tool. Nevertheless it’s still and always her 3rd eye that plays the rhythm, leads the dance, composes …”just Embrace”.
My challenging Hunt, creative Pleasure, world-wide Mission is still in progress…
by Ramses accident ?.
Amalia Dea Lencis 8/8/2021